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What her dress looks like should be on the side, if it's not please message me. THanks


I sat on the stone ledge inside the tomb. I was wearing only my pants, but felt strangely comfortable in them. As I let my legs swing my bare heels hit the hard cold stone with a soft thudding sound. Nicklaus was chaining up two coffins to take with us as we left for our next city.

"Put your dress on Ana," He said not bothering to look up at me. I sighed and tilted my head towards the ceiling.

"Why do we need to run?" I asked. Nic glanced up at me as if I had gone off the deep end. "What? It's an honest question, I don't see the need," I said. I pushed myself off the stone ledge and landed on the ground soundlessly.

"Elijah is not a man of many words," Nic lied. He knew Elijah would talk to him, but he also knew Elijah would convince him to let the others free.

"I think you have him and yourself confused brother. I believe Elijah would gladly speak with you," I said. I walked over to stand beside my brother. He glanced over at me and sighed.

"Tis the mind of a woman." I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away from him. "Get dressed," he called over his shoulder.

"Can't I just dress as a boy?" I asked, he used his vampire speed to be at my side before I exited the tomb. "I like pants so much better.

"No, I need you to distract the guards while I move these onto the train." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Is that all I'm good for Nicki? My looks and physical appearance." Nic laughed and ruffled my hair. I scowled at him and fixed my hair back.

"Of course not Ana, you are quite funny," He said. "I very much appreciate your comic relief," We walked into the cabin that used to belong to the grounds keeper of the cemetery. Before I killed him.

It was a simple single story building, with two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. I walked into the room that I had claimed and saw my dress standing on its own in the back corner. I scowled again and took the frame of the skirt wrapping it around my waist. Bekah would usually help me with this, I could never do the fabric on my own once the framing was on. But she had gone to pursue her dream, finding love, something Nic didn't very much approve of.

I tried to bend over to grab hold of the fabric draped over the chair. The metal skirt stopped my almost immediately. I grunted and a chuckle came from behind me. I turned around to see Nic standing in the door and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you going to help or are you going to just stand there?" I asked him. He held up his hands in defense laughing as he walked over to me. "I will rejoice the day women realize that these skirts are entirely too much. Watch one day a girl will walk down the street in pants and she won't be assumed to be a prostitute, or poor." I rambled while he fastened my purple skirt around my cinched waist.

"That won't happen love, but it doesn't hurt to wish," He smiled. He then helped me with me shirt fastening it behind me and pulling the golden fabric with a white lace trim down and around my waist.

"And we won't need to have eight inch waists either." I grumbled twisting in the stiff gown. I walked over to the mirror to fix myself. The dress was pretty; in fact it was one of my best. The skirt was dark purple, with a light purple train dragged along the ground. The front of the skirt was covered in light pink and white flowers and it was accompanied by a hat made of roses of the same shade. I lifted my hands and attempted to smooth my wild curls into some kind of organized mess. After a moment of trying and failing Nic cleared his throat.

"We need to leave now Ana, the train leaves soon." I sighed, this would have to do. I turned to Nic and smiled once I had slipped on my hat. He held out his arm and I looped mine through it. "And off we go," He said before leading us out the door.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now