Chirstmas Special

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Ok, so for a moment, let’s go back to 1864 and pretend that Damon and Thal got to spend a Christmas together in the Salvatore house. I know it doesn’t work with the timeline for the story but for the sake of getting the feels let’s just go with it.

***Thal’s P.O.V.***

I laughed as I ran without shoes through the halls of the Salvatore mansion. “Stefan!” I called out several times. “Stefan where are you?!” I called again as I ran. A maid ran behind me with my shoes in hand as she tried to get me to put them on, but I couldn’t run as fast with them on.

“Ms. Michaelson, please put your shoes back on!” The maid called after me as she ran. I turned the corner and ran into just the person I was looking for. I stopped and paused feigning breathlessness.

“Stefan, did my…” Stefan smiled sweetly and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Yes, Ms. Michaelson, it did come,” He paused while the maid put my shoes on me. “It’s in my room,” I let out a squeal and as soon as my shoes were on we were on route to Stefan’s room. There was a maid inside when we got there and Stefan frowned. “I never have a maid in my room,” Stefan noted. I smiled and walked over to the maid.

“Would you please kindly leave the room, we are very busy and would like to keep our affairs quiet,” She nodded and exited the room quietly. Once the door closed I turned back to Stefan and ran up to him. “Show me, show me, show me!!” I bounced on the balls of my feet and Stefan chuckled. Stefan pulled out a large box and placed it on the bed. I tore at the tape and opened the top of the box. I stood on my toes and looked inside smiling. “This is perfect!” I smiled brightly and turned to Stefan. “Thank you so much,” I pulled him into a quick hug before turning back to the box.

“Are you sure a lamp is the best thing to get him?” Stefan asked and I nodded.

“Of course, now he can read at night,” I smiled. “It came with oil and everything! Come on help me take it out,” I motioned and Stefan quickly helped me pull it out the box.

“Why are you taking it out? Shouldn’t you just wrap it like this?” Stefan asked. I nodded and rushed over to his desk grabbing an ink pen.

“I want to sign it though,” I walked over to the lamp and signed the metal rim. After I signed it I placed it back into the pox and sealed it shut again. Just then the maid opened the door and poked her head inside.

“Mr. Damon Salvatore is on his way here looking for you,” She said. My eyes widened and I turned to Stefan.

“Come on, help my hide it,” He said quickly. I took one end of the box and he took the other. We lowered it from his bed to the floor and laid it on its side pushing it under the bed. Then the door opened and Damon walked in.

“Stefan, have you seen…” His voice trailed off when both Stefan and I stood abruptly. “Thal,” He finished quietly. “What’s going on?” He asked hesitantly. Stefan and I glanced at each other my eyes wide with panic.

“I had a stain on my floor, remember the one I told you about? And I was just asking Ana if she thought the maids got it all up,” Stefan’s voice was halting and it was easy to tell he was lying. Damon’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly and he took a step forward.

“I think it’s all gone,” I replied. Damon nodded slowly.

“I could take a look,” He said. Both Stefan and I blurted out a ‘No’ and Damon’s eyebrows shot up.

“I mean, I really wanted to speak with you and Stefan has some things he has to wrap up in here so we really shouldn’t bother him,” Even I was stumbling over my words at that point. I walked over to Damon and turned him around pushing him out the door. I glanced back at Stefan and he nodded understanding my message to him. The only way we were going to keep this a secret was if I distracted Damon and that meant I couldn’t wrap the gift myself. It was Christmas day and we were opening our gifts tonight.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now