What the Hell Elijah

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***Important!!!!! This part is based off of The Vampire Diaries Season 4 episode 18 titled 'American Gothic' if you have not seen that episode I would not recommend reading this just yet as it will contain spoilers!!*** If you don't even watch TVD and you just read the story continue on.

The long stretches of silence don't cease as we drive up to where Damon's car was left off. I reach out to turn on the radio when Damon places his hand on mine.

"Wait, I just want to know one thing," he says, I put my had in my lap again and he glances at me from out the corner of his eye before continuing. "How did we meet?" He asks, I smile slightly and gaze out the front windshield.

"You were a confederate soldier, your regiment was burning down a small union town in North Virginia," I paused thinking back to the day and recalling it perfectly. "I was there talking to a man who supposedly had information on the whereabouts of Mikael, Nick's stepfather. We met just as my meeting with him ended and I tried to escape out the back of the building,"

"I remember to town, and meeting a girl, but I can't remember anything about her," He laughs as he pulls to the side of the road. I see Stefan there leaning against Damon's sky blue Chevrolet Camaro. Damon quickly pulls the car to a stop and gets out running to his 'baby'. I laugh and follow slowly behind him. "If they so much as even scratched the paint on my car,"He says walking up to it and inspecting it carefully. I laugh walking up to help Stefan carry over the gallons of gas to fill up the tank.

"Well just be grateful Sheriff Forbes was able to track down the car after, you a, you know, let them steal it from you," Stefan says, Damon rolls his eyes and opens the back of his truck.

"Yeah yeah, remind me to send her some mini muffins," he says taking one of the containers of gas from me.

"Do you really need this much gas?" I ask peering over the side of the car as Damon poured it in.

"Well, they ditched his car when it ran out of gas, and we have a hundred miles to go before we get to Willoughby," Stefan says. Damon raises an eyebrow as he takes the other red container.

"I don't remember that name from the list of places I got in New York," he says, I watch amusedly as he and Stefan go back and forth.

"Oh the list, you mean the one they stole from right under your nose, after you let your guard down?" He says, I hide my snicker as he straightens up and slams down the back of the car. "They'll be there, Sheriff Forbes tracked down the car they stole after yours,"

"Screw the muffins, I'll get her champagne, if Elena is where ever it may be," He says.

"Willoughby, the creamed corn capitol of Pennsylvania," he says smiling sarcastically. Damon rolls his eyes and I smile. "They'll be there, let's just hope we get to them before they get to the cure,"

"Oh," Damon says perking up, I raise an eyebrow, "Silver lining, if Rebekah takes the cure then she's mortal and we can just kill her then and there," he says. My mouth drops.

"Hey," I say

"Oh, dark cloud," Stefan interrupts me before I can say more, "Elena stays a vampire forever," he says "Why don't you just table your revenge fantasies for right now and just keep your eyes on the prize? Find Katherine, get the cure, get in, get out before you get your neck snapped, again," he adds to the end.

"Believe me I learned my lesson. Elena without humanity is a stone cold bitch," I raise my eyebrows and smirk. "And I won't trust her until we get the old Elena back,"

"Look at that, we're finally on the same page about something," Stefan says patting Damon on the back. Just then an immense pain hits me and I cry out falling to the ground. Immediately Damon is at my side inspecting me for bodily injuries. But the pain is not being inflicted on me, but on one of my siblings and it doesn't take long for Damon to figure that out. After many years of feeling the pain of my siblings, I have learned to differentiate between who's was who. I recognized this pain instantly.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now