Saving Stefan

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***Damon’s P.O.V.***

“Turning a kid into a vampire so you can experiment on him? Harsh. What is it about this place that turns people into mad scientists?” I glared at the doctor as he sat tied to the chair sweating extensively. Looks like the disease was kicking in. He would need my blood soon.

Human trials are a vital part of modern medicine,” He said. I rolled my eyes, yes, definitely a mad scientist.

Don't people usually volunteer, or sign waivers to maybe get some dough for tuition?” I asked shifting through the vials of diseases.

“Sometimes, you do what's necessary for the greater good,” He spat, as if I were the crazy one and he were perfectly sane.

I'm not the greatest guy in the world, but sounds like some Mengele-level crap that you're spouting out, so I gotta ask, what is your greater good?” I pulled out one of the vials and uncapped it. Exposing the needle. Maxfield looked at me warily. I held up the vial to satiate his curiosity. “Rabies. Sounds fun, doesn't it? And appropriate, given the circumstances,” I smiled and then jammed the needle into his leg and pushed, injecting him with a vial full of the disease. But after a few minutes nothing was happening. “Well, rabies was a bust,” I threw the needle over my shoulder and turned back to the tray. “I guess I'll find something a little more immediate,” I shifted through the vials more.

I wanted to turn Jesse into a new kind of vampire,” He confessed. I hadn’t even asked him a question, and I didn’t take him seriously.

Well, that's awfully ambitious of you,” I ignored him, still shifting through the vials.

I am awfully smart,” I sat in a chair and rolled over to him in it with a chosen vial in my hand.

Ebola,” Wes flinched. Good. “Why?” Wes eyed the needle cautiously, his eyes never leaving it. His manerisms growing more panicked as I filled the needle with the deadly liquid. 

Your kind is dangerous to humans. You're dangerous because’ we're your food source. I want to change that,” I frowned, what the hell does ‘change that’ mean? “If vampires don't need to feed on humans, they're no longer a threat.”

I'm not buying the good doctor bit,” Truthfully, I just wanted to put this needle in his arm and see what happened. I had no intention of listening to him. I was pissed and I needed an outlet.

Human blood will only satiate Jesse temporarily until he gets a taste of what he really craves,” I decided, however, that Elena would rather I entertain the doctors useless conversation.

Well, what exactly does he really crave?” I tested the needle and Wes flinched.

***Thal’s P.O.V.***

I woke in the middle of night to find the space in the bed next to me empty. I frowned and sat up, where was Stefan? I swung my legs over the side of the bed and lightly stepped out of his room. I wandered around the house, the parlor room was cold and empty. I then caught sight of a light in the kitchen and followed it. Stefan was sitting at the kitchen counter and as I stepped into the room he took a shot.

There you are,” I whispered, walking in farther. As I got closer to him I noticed he was shaking.

Get away from me,” He stood up and tried to walk away from me but I followed him. When I got close enough I put my hand on his shoulder.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now