No Words Needed

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Damon's POV

I frowned as she left the room. Thal rarely ever took naps during the day, there would have to be something wrong with her to do that. I glanced over at Stefan and Alaric. Was it because he was draining her powers? We'd have to separate them immediately if that were the case. But the only way to do that was to isolate Thal from him and make him weaker. But if she lived here then there would be no way he would let her out of his sight for a moment. I glared at Alaric before turning and making my way to the door.

Once outside I got into the car and sat silently for a moment. Rick and Stefan got in and shared in my silence.

"I take it she doesn't remember you." Rick whispers, breaking the silence. I grit my teeth and shake my head.

"No Rick..." I trail with suppressed anger. I curse to myself and slam a fist on the dashboard, cracking it slightly. "How the hell does she remember Stefan and not me?" I ask shaking my head and starting the car.

"Maybe he forgot to alter my face." Stefan says shrugging.

"That's good, we could use that as our way to get her out the apartment." Alaric says. "Tell her you want to meet her for lunch or something and to not tell Ulrik." Rick says as we pull onto the main road. "It seems simple enough."

"Then what? We lock her in the basement and wait for Ulrik to come kill us?" I ask sarcastically.

"I mean... yeah?" Rick says with a shrug.

"We tell him she's at some warehouse and set up a huge magic circle to trap him in and make him weaker." Stefan says from the back of the car. I shake my head.

"No, I'm not locking her in the basement." I replay pressing my lips in a tight line. Stefan squints at me.

"Seriously? We literally lock everyone in the basement. What's different now?" Stefan asks not understanding.

"I'm not locking Thal in the basement by herself. We'll have to find another way." I say turning into the drive way.

"Damon, there is no other way." Alaric sighs. "So, you can either suck it up and lock her in the basement, or you can lose her to an incubus." I scoff and stop the car.

"We haven't even tried to find another way. Let's spend the day looking into it and make locking Thal in the basement a last resort." I say getting out of the car. Stefan and Alaric stay in the car for a moment longer and roll my eyes sticking my head back through the open door. "Just one day, ok?" I say with raised eyebrows. Stephan sighs and Alaric shakes his head before they get out the car.

"Three hours Damon, we don't know if he can just keep taking energy from her and altering her memory with no side effect." Stefan says shaking his head. "Since when were you one to take some moral high road?" Stefan mumbles as he walks up to the door. I glare at him and sit on the large couch sighing and letting my head fall back.

"Look Damon... We need to separate the two of them and the basement is already equipped for handling hybrids like Ana." Rick sits next to me and runs a hand through his hair. "I get that you don't want to lock up your girlfriend but in the long run it's best."

"Fiancee..." I whisper.


"She's not my girlfriend she's my fiancée and she spent how many months locked inside that doppelganger I'm not locking her somewhere else." I say with a frown.

"Damon, you have to see that none of this is the same as that. It won't be months it'll be days at most and we need people to watch her anyways so someone will always be with her. She won't be alone." Stefan shakes his head as I sigh. "This is the only way." He says quieter.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now