Memory's Prisoner

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I wrapped my arms tighter around Damon’s torso and sighed, my head resting on his shoulder. He adjusted himself a little bit and took a deep breath in and out. We were sitting with our backs against the cold brick wall of the cell. Just after Elena had woken up Stefan and I forced Damon to move back down to the cell, he was still dangerous.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked as I drew circles in his chest. It was covered in a gray tee shirt and my finger left a light trail of purple magic further outlining my doodle.

“Elena,” My hand stopped and I looked up at him, a bit hurt. “No, please don’t give me that face,” He moved a few strands of my hair out of my face “I should have said that differently,” He paused and wrapped one of his hands in my smaller one and placed it on his chest. “All that she remembers is that she… threw her arms around me,” Damon frowned. “I don’t know what to say to her,”

“Just say you bounce back fast,” Jeremy was at the door and I sat up. Matt was behind him and they both had smirks on their faces. He had a glass of blood in his hands and he sat it down on the floor just out of Damon’s reach. “Hilarious,” Damon rolled his eyes but even I couldn’t help smiling. I used my magic to inch it the rest of the way to Damon and he grabbed it immediately. Within seconds he had finished the cup and I felt bad for him. He was probably really hungry and he had to practice a lot of restraint to even be around me. “Wipe that smile off your face,” Damon growled.

“Hey! You're lucky I'm even helping you! Considering the last thing you did for me was to tell Enzo to strangle me to death,” Jeremy pointed at Damon and he rolled his eyes.

“Quit crying! You're still around,” Damon gumbled. 

“Yeah, which is more than we can say for Aaron Whitmore. Weren't he and Elena tight?” Matt asked coming up to lean against the doorframe.

Yep,” Jeremy nodded.

“Does she know that Damon killed him?” Matt and Jeremy were pretending to have a conversation amongst themselves but really they were trying to piss Damon off. But what they didn’t know was that they were pissing me off as well.

“I don't know… Does she?” Jeremy turned to Damon and I stood and brushed myself off.  

No, she doesn't because I'm going to be the one to tell her. If either of one of you clowns beat me to it, I'll rip your tongue out,” Jeremy’s phone started to ring and I ran my fingers through my hair pulling out the knots uncomfortably. “Don't you even think about it!” Damon tried to get up but the chains around his arms wouldn’t let him stop Jeremy. 

“Damon's phone!” Jeremy smirked at Damon who was seeming to get angrier by the minute. I took an impatient breath, played with the ends of my hair some more.

“I killed you once before, Gilbert. I'll kill you again,” Damon growled.

Someone wants to speak to you,” Jeremy smirked handing Damon the phone. I took that as my time to exit and I slipped past Matt and out of the basement. I went up to the study and sat down on the couch letting myself unwind. I love him, I do, but sleeping on a cement floor was incredibly uncomfortable.

“You look like hell,” Jeremy and Matt came up from in the basement they sat on either side of me on the couch and I laughed.

“You know just what to say to make a girl feel beautiful Jer,” He wrapped his arm around my head and ruffled my hair. I pushed him away, trying not to use all of my strength so I wouldn’t hurt him.

“You need to get out,” Matt said once I got myself free of Jeremy.

“You have a friend and a friend of a friend cursed to feed on their own kind with a cure out there somewhere just waiting to be found and you want to go out?” I smirked and Matt shrugged.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now