Remembering the Past

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***Damon's P.O.V.***

"Elena, I can explain," I say trying to calm her down, but it doesn't work. Tears are already pouring out of her eyes.

"Then explain, Damon, because I want to trust you, but I don't know, that may just be the sire bond," she says. I take a deep breath, because, really I don't know what's happening let alone be able to explain it to someone else.

"He loves her," Stephan says appearing from behind Elena. She jumps and I glare at him. She pauses a moment registering what he just said in her brain before looking at me again. Thal stirs from behind me.

"What is he talking about Damon?" Elena asks me and I shake my head. There is no way I can love Thal, I barely even know her. I just helped kill her brother; if I do love her then I am pretty crappy about showing it. I shake my head and Thal sits up now still half asleep and as I look at her a small part of me has the urge to kiss her.

"Damon wouldn't know," Stephan says stepping forward. Elena looks to him wide eyed and now Jeremy is standing behind her. Oh great just invite the whole household in for a seminar. Thal is now fully awake and she struggles to sit up. Before I know what I am doing I help her sit up and give her support along her back. She smiles gratefully at me and I can't help but smile back. Elena lets out a strong ragged breath and I drop my arms from around Thal and thankfully she doesn't fall. "Isn't that right Thal?" Stephan asks turning his accusatory gaze to her. She stiffens but otherwise doesn't react.

"What's going on?" She asks looking from person to person. Her eyes land on me and she squints them. "Please tell me I didn't talk in my sleep," she says desperately. I look around as if this is some kind of joke. What the hell does that have to do with everything?

"Oh right, we wouldn't want him to hear you say those words, now would we," Stephan asks venomously. What the hell is going on? I step away from Thal and she keeps staring widen eyed at Stephan.

"How do you," she asks trailing off and Stephan gets into her face and growls.

"I was awake," he says simply and she gasps. "I heard everything," he says and she shakes her head. Tears start to pour from her cheeks and it actually causes me physical pain to not go and wipe them away. I look to Elena and Jeremy who just stand there taking everything in. They must be in shock.

"I would have known," I she says quietly but he shakes his head.

"You were too busy with your sappy goodbyes, it was very romantic by the way," he says and more tears stream from her eyes. "Very Romeo and Juliet, well minus the dying of course," he says but then he pauses. "Well now that I think about it, I take it back. The dying was very true," he says sneering at her. She whimpers and I can't hold it anymore. I walk back to her and wrap my arms around her shoulders and glare at Stephan.

"Don't you ever talk to her like that," I say. He just smirks and shakes his head.

"How typical Damon, protecting your sire." He says and shakes his head.

***Thaliana's P.O.V.***

I don't know why Damon is embracing me or how Stephan found out about my turning Damon but one thing is for sure. The doppelganger needs to leave. I will not look weak in front of her. And as if one cue she speaks.

"Jeremy and I are going to Bonnie's you guys obviously have talking to do," she says and Damon stands up and begins to walk up to her but she raises a hand stopping him. "No Damon, you need to figure out what's going on and then we can talk," she says and his shoulders slump. After she is out of hearing distance Stefan laughs.

"I don't see why you're so worried, all you have to do is tell her to forgive you and she won't have a choice, I mean, that's how the sire bond works right? You just control her every move, decision and want and make her think it's free will," Damon charges at him and punches him in the jaw making him groan. "Feel better now?" Stephan asks cockily and Damon raises his fist again. This time I stop him.

"Damon, stop he isn't worth it," I whisper and to my surprise he listens. He turns to looking hurt and confused. My heart speeds up a little and he can no doubt hear it. Stephan sits up and laughs rubbing his jaw.

"When I first heard of the sire bond, it didn’t occur to me, but then as I found out what causes it I started thinking," he pauses and looks at me, I know what he's getting at and my heart drops. If I am forced to make Damon remember today, he may be lost to me forever. "If it was Katherine's blood that changed Damon, shouldn't he be sired to her?" He asks and Damon tilts his head at his brother.

"What the hell are you getting at Stephan?" he asks and I turn away from both of them. Stephan smiles evilly and I can't help but wonder what changed him, how did he become so malicious?

"I mean, the sire bond is formed when the person you change has preexisting affections for you. When you change them, those feelings get multiplied making you feel indebted to them," Stephan says, his eyes never leave my face, but I refuse to look at him.

"Yes I know what the sire bond is brother, now tell me why it's relevant," Damon says impatiently. He glances at me a moment then begins to pace back and forth.

"Damon, you died with a burning love for Katherine," he says pausing and Damon stops and turns to him. "If that's true, then why were you not sired to her," Damon rolls his eyes then begins to pace again.

"Stephan, after she was locked in the tomb, I searched for over one hundred years looking for a way to get her out." Damon growls, my heart pings and another tear slides down my cheek. I forcefully wipe it away.

"Yes Damon, that's because your love for her was magnified, but then when you realized she was never in the tomb you wanted nothing to do with her. You didn’t feel forced to do what she said, you fought her," Stephan says and Damon's eyes widen and he stops and stares at Stephan.

"If Katherine didn't change me, then who the hell did?" he asks and I feel Stephan's gaze at me strengthen. After a moment of silence I look up. Damon is squinting his eyes at me and Stephan looks full of himself.

"Fine, I changed you, are you happy now Stephan? Is that what you wanted?" I scream at him. I see his face fall a bit but then it goes back to normal. Damon stares at my mouth his in a slight o.

"Damon, you're not sired to Katherine, you're sired to Thal," he says and Damon snaps out of it and shakes his head. He runs a hand through his hair and turns away from me. After a moment of silence he turns back to me, his eyes holding desperation in them.

"Why would you turn me?" He asks quietly and I look away.

"Because she loves you Damon," Stephan says "Because she loves you and you used to love her," Stephan says cruelly.

"What the hell? Why don't I remember her?" Damon shouts and I flinch, not because I'm scared but because I have hurt him.

"Because she doesn't want you to." Stephan says, "That's the other thing, why you are always searching for something, why you don't feel whole anymore Damon. She made you forget her, and forget everything about her, but what she didn't do is make you forget your love for her.

"You have traveled the world looking for something to truly make you happy but the truth is, you won't truly be happy until you're with her." Stephan says. At this point tears are streaming down my face. It's like a fucking waterfall and I hate the fact that Stephan knows he has an effect on me. "She took your memory away and made you unhappy and the only ay to fix it is for her to say she loves you," Stephan says. Damon turns to me as if asking if it's true and i stare at my hands as tears drop into them.

"I'm so sorry," I say, I stand up and use my vampire speed to leave the house. I choke down my sobs and hope they can't hear me.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now