Beginning of the end

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I woke to Damon untangling himself from me but I pretended to stay asleep and just rolled over. I heard Damon chuckle and smiled secretly to myself. I heard him begin to put on his shirt and decided to ask him where he was going. I stirred and propped myself up on my elbows rubbing my eyes with one hand. I sleepily smiled at Damon and felt his heart rate pick up.

"Don't wake up yet," He said and walked over to the bed kissing my forehead, my nose then my mouth. I detected a hint of panic in his voice and refused to let him leave with out an answer.

"Where are you going?" I asked him and his heart rate picked up again but this time from fear. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him trying to analyze the fear. "What is wrong?" I asked him and he sighed putting a hand on my cheek.

"I am going to talk to my father," Damon said and at that I sat up fully.

"Would you like me to come with you?" I asked touching his hand but he shook his head.

"This is something that I have to do on my own," he said and touched my face again. I smiled as I realized where the fear had come from.

"Alright," I said and kissed him again. I then stood up and went over to my skirt and corset lying abandoned in the corner of the room. I picked them up and went to the door. I turned back to Damon with a mischievous glint in my eye as I said "I will be in my room waiting for you Mr. Salvatore." Then I turned and left the room hearing Damon's heart beat at a mile a minute.

In all of my excitement and mysteriousness I had forgotten that I was still in my under garments and I prayed that no one saw me on my way to my room. Of course my prayers were not answered as just when I round the last corner and had my room in sight I ran into the youngest Salvatore. I fell into a pile of clothes and he reacted quickly.

"I'm very sorry, Miss, I mean Thal." He said setting me on my feet. It wasn't until that moment did he notice that I wasn't actually wearing my clothes but intern carrying them he turned away blushing. I tried my best to use my skirt to cover myself and turned away from him.

"I should have watching my way Stefan I am sorry," I said and rushed past him and into my room. I shut the door and leaned my back against it throwing my garments onto the bed.

"Now is that any way to treat your brother love?" I heard a familiar voice say and I looked up in surprise then I ran at the person lounging on my bed in full unprecedented vampire speed wrapping them in a hug. "Omf," I heard him say but I knew I didn't hurt him. "That's more like it," they said and I smiled burying my head in his shoulder.

"I've missed you so brother," I whispered and rolled over and sat next to him looking around. "Where is Elijah?" I asked knowing that when I saw them a hundred years earlier they had been best friends.

"Elijah has been vengeful as of late so he and I don't converse," My brother said sadly and I nodded. "Rebekah has been moody lately and so I have left her for the moment as well, I decided to come see my favorite sister," he said thumping my forehead and I smiled at him.

"Brother, I am getting married," I said shyly and he turned to me surprised.

"With the human just outside or the other one?" he asked and my heart went to Damon.

"The other one," I said feeling my heart flutter, my brother smiled at me and I knew he approved.

"And you genuinely love this human?" He asked and I nodded getting up. I began to get another dress out of my bag and put my corset around my waist and held the strings out behind me. My brother sped to me and took the strings from my hands.

"Don't break me." I joked with a hint of seriousness. My brother chuckled and pulled the strings careful not to use all of his strength. I huffed as he pulled and held onto the bed for support. He had, one time pulled too hard and broken my ribs. It took me almost an hour to heal.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now