Study groups

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I am sitting in the school gym attending the funeral of Carol Lockwood, the mayor, the one that Nic had killed. I see her son leave the building and I consider following him but I think better of. I am one of the last people he wants to see, of course following Nic. I then see Elena leave and I decide this time to follow her, as the crowd begins to clap and a man walks up to the makeshift stage.

He begins to talk as I hear Elena and April talking. I turn the corner and see Rebekah talking to April with Elena on the ground beside them. I keep myself hidden as not to let her detect me. If Nic had done the mind thing to her, then she wouldn't know me and she would lash out and I would have to retaliate. And I know for a fact that I would lose control and possibly kill her. I slowly sneak away and overhear Caroline talking to Stephan over the phone. I try to signal her but she rolls her eyes at me and turns the other way.

I sigh and listen for Rebekah's voice and I quickly hear it echoing from the library and I speed there. I get there in time to see Rebekah compelling Elena to sit in her seat. I follow her as she calls Stephan and baits him into the going to the school. 'Crap' I think and run to find Caroline but she is nowhere in sight. I wait a moment and hear her walking through the school and she has a white oak stake in her hand.

I sense Rebekah stalking her and I wonder how she hasn't sensed me yet. It must be my abilities protecting me like they always do. Rebekah quickly catches Caroline off guard and compels her to go to the library taking the stake and tucking it into her boot. 'Crap' I think again and decide to go to the library.

There I see Elena, Caroline and another girl all sitting around one of the tables. Elena and Caroline sent talking, or even looking at each other. I am about to walk up to them and undo their compulsion when Rebekah slams open the doors and walks in followed closely by Stephan. I sulk back into the shadows and watch.

Rebekah begins to ask them questions about the brotherhood of the five and I twist my head curious. She then begins to try and catch up and mentions something about Elena and Stephan and a cure. I push my hearing to its limits only to hear an awkward pause.

"Elena slept with Damon," Stephan says and my eyebrows furrow in concern at the hurt displayed on his face. No matter how hard he tries to hide it I know him, and he is hurting. Rebekah continues to mock them and I see the hurt grow on Stephan's face as he speaks.

I cannot hear what he is saying and it's killing me that the quiet soulful man I once knew is feeling pain like this, I don't know how much longer I can go on without interrupting and coming to Stephan's rescue. I try to read their lips but Elena says something and Stephan's eyes tear up.

I can't stand anymore if his torture and I push the books to the side. Rebekah immediately turns around and glares at me as I walk forward. Caroline's eyes get big and Stephan's do as well but they adjust their expressions before Rebekah notices. Elena's eyes show a flicker of recognition but nothing more.

"Who the hell are you?" she asks and I hold her gaze and walk forward bravely.

"Hello, I came for the study group but they must have changed their meeting date, I am sorry but I have a bio test Monday, mind if I stay a while and study for it?" I ask sweetly and Rebekah smiles and I know that she would t miss out on this kind of chance.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, please sit with us," she says, attempting to compel me. I go along with it and nod taking the one empty seat. As I sit down Kol walks in with a mysterious man who stares at me wide eyed, obviously knowing who I am. I turn away from. them praying Nic compelled him as well. Rebekah addresses him as Shane and she and Kol lead him out of the room.

"The hell are you doing here?" Caroline whispers harshly, glaring at me. Elena looks at all of us confused and Stephan won't look at me, he knows I will see his hurt. I open my mouth to talk but Rebekah walks in and I have to shut it again.

"Still glued to your seats?" she asks and I look at her as innocently as I can.

"Look I actually have to go, so if you don't mind," I say and begin to stand up but Rebekah stops me.

"Not so fast, sit" she says and I do as I am told.

"Truth or Dare?" she says turning to Elena who tries to keep her mouth shut but cant.

"Dare," she says quietly and I dread what Rebekah is going to say. I know it will hurt Stephan. Rebekah makes Elena tell Stephan how she feels about Damon and Caroline protests. I can't help but look down as I feel my own emotions build as she talks of Damon.

"Do you still love Stephan?" Rebekah asks and Elena nods. "Are you still in love with Stephan?" Rebekah asks and Elena mumbles a feint 'no'. I can practically hear Stephan's heart break and I almost let a tear down, but I can't let Rebekah know me. "Did that hurt," Rebekah asks turning to Stephan, and I can't help but let a silent tear down, "Did that hurt?" Rebekah repeats and I grip my fists into tight balls.

"Yes," Stephan says simply, to keep his voice from breaking, and at that moment Tyler burst into the room.

"Alright, time to start the party," Rebekah says and I look up at her glaring. "No vamp running in the hallways, and don't leave the building," She says and looking at Tyler I know what she is going to do, "Turn, she says to Tyler and he looks confused but she gets closer to his face and centers here yes with his. "Turn," she says and I hear his bones begin to break. Rebekah walks out of the room as more of Tyler's bones begin to break.

"Run,"I say hopping out of my chair and they all look at me confused.

"I can fight this," Tyler says and I shake my head.

"No you cant," I say and then turn to the others. "Run," I yell at them and they hop out of their chairs and begin to run away, Elena following Stephan. I stay calm and shift along with Tyler. Since I start later than him he gets out before me and I lose him for a moment. Once I'm transformed I find his scent and follow him to find him banging against the doors with Elena and Stephan on the other side.

I tackle him from the side and push him into the gym where I hear him whimper and turn back. The smell of blood catches me and I feel the wolf trying to take over. I run out of the school and I try to pick up Nic's scent. I find it almost immediately and although its old, I follow it.

I reach an old cottage out in the middle of nowhere and recognize Damon's scent as well. I am too tired though to think anything about it. I walk into the house and find the couch very inviting. I walk up to it slowly and lower myself onto the couch pulling a blanket hanging off the back onto myself and falling asleep almost immediately.

***Klaus P.O.V.***

"You need to grow Jeremy's hunter mark and the only way to do that is for him to kill more vampire's," I say to Damon as we stand in a bar full of transitioning people.

"Did you kill all these people?" Jeremy asks my and I try and keep from rolling my eyes.

"Catch up gilbert, you need vampires, not dead people," I say and he looks around alarmed. I see Matt's eyes widen as he realizes the danger that he's in.

"I can't kill all these vampires," Jeremy says and I laugh.

"Well then Gilbert they'll just kill you," I say laughing as the first ones begin to wake up.


OMIGOD!!!!!!! Who saw the VD yesterday? So amazing. It was sad and exciting and happy all at the same time. And even though I am obviously team Damon, since I have read the books I have to say that I have a pretty big soft spot for Stephan as well. My heart went bout to him this episode. But I couldn't help but think 'GO DAMON!!!'

Anyways, I hope you like this part. I am losing readers and I will keep writing because even though there are only a few people reading it, I wouldn't want to disappoint them. And besides then story is fun to write anyways. So if I have time I will talk to you all tomorrow.

P.S. if anyone has suggestions on what to do with it I am open to them.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now