Lies and Almost Broken Ties

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***Thal's P.O.V.***

When I woke up that morning Damon was sadly gone. I frowned and sat up looking around. I ran my fingers through my hair a couple of times before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and stretching as I stood up. I took out my phone and looked to see if Damon had sent me a message but he hadn't. I tried to call him but he didn't pick up and I frowned. I then tried to call Caroline.

"Hey, have you seen Damon?" I asked once she picked up. I stood, put her on speaker and began to get dressed for the day.

"No, thank god," She replied. Of course she sounded completely alert as she was a morning person and it was noon.

"Alright, thanks anyways, I have no idea where he went and he didn't say anything. Not to sound like a clingy girlfriend but he should have at least left a message right?" I asked. The line was silent on the other end which I couldn't figure out if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Maybe Rick knows?" She suggested. "But hey, if you can't find him come by and help me move back into Whitmore,"

"Why are you moving back in? Didn't you just get your apartment?" I asked her while I strapped on my shoes.

"I need something to distract me and keep me busy while I'm ignoring Stefan. I might as well get a degree," I laughed at the weirdness of that sentence.

"Alright, I'm going to call Rick but if I can't find Damon I'll come help you move in," I laughed, hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. I decided to go visit Rick rather than call him. When I outside the hotel though I saw him about to walk into one of the other doors.

"Rick!" I called out and jogged to him as he turned around. He didn't have the happiest of looks on his face. "Have you seen Damon?" I forged ahead with my question anyways.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. He compelled me to steal the ascendant from Joe," He gritted his teeth.

"Damon compelled you? He wouldn't do that," I shook my head but the anger in Rick's eyes told me differently.

"I thought the same thing but when I crossed the town border I remembered everything," I frowned.

"What the heck is this ascendant thing and why would he steal it?" I asked.

"The ascendant is the thing that connects this world and the prison Damon was in. He needs it to get Bonnie back," Alaric explained, but he only confused me more.

"So what's the big deal, why wouldn't Joe just give it to him?" I asked.

"Because, in the same prison is Joe's twin brother Kai and he is hell bent on merging with Joe in a witch battle type thing and that'll kill her," I frowned. "Kai's extremely dangerous and wouldn't have any problems killing anyone who get's in his way," I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

"Do me a favor Rick? When you find Damon punch him for me," Rick smirked and nodded while I walked away.

I was on my way to Caroline's room when I got deterred and somehow ended up in the college bar. It was going to be a long wait until Damon got back and I killed him.

*** Damon's P.O.V. Earlier that Day***

"You realize he is gonna kill you when he finds out what you did to him," Stefan stated, he was talking about how I compelled Rick to steal the ascendant from his girlfriend. I started to pour myself some vodka in a mug, mixing it with the coffee already there.

"My relationship to ruin, thank you. I didn't complain when you ruined yours with Caroline," I raised an eyebrow in return and Stefan glared at me.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now