Back together

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We arrive at the island by boat after five grueling hours of listening to the professor talk about Silas. Since I was a last minute addition to the trip I was stuck sitting next to professor Shane for the whole time. What a bummer it will be for him when he finds out that Silas isn't all that he is cracked up to be. He is still talking as I get off the boat and I try my best to ignore him and not rip his head off. I walk up to Becka and glare at her as she laughs at me.

"Sorry sis, but you lost the nose game," she smiles and I roll my eyes at her. She stops laughing as Stephan walks up and I look away. Jeremy and Bonnie are talking, she is taking pictures of his tattoo, and I just wish Bonnie would leave so I can talk to Jeremy alone. This whole Damon being in close proximity is wearing me out and I need someone to unload on. Finally Bonnie receives a call and walks away. I take my chance and ditch Rebekah and Stephan's awkward conversation. I sit next to him on the beach and he smiles at me.

"How was the ride over with professor crazy?" I give him the 'seriously?' look and he laughs getting it. I look down the beach and see Damon and Elena embracing, I guess they got back together. My heart clenches but I know it's for the best. Jeremy notices my look and nudges my shoulder with his. I turn back to him and sigh. "There's obviously history there," he says and the corner of my mouth lifts.

"When I first met him he was a confederate soldier in the civil war. He was so innocent, back then. Like a more mischievous version of Matt." I said and Jeremy laughed.

"God I can't imagine Damon like that," I smile and look to the sky.

"People change, love changes them." I whisper. Jeremy gazes at me waiting for me to continue. "I fell in love with him so quickly. We were engaged in, what, two weeks?" I say digging back into my memory. I hold up my left hand and show him the ring still on my finger. It is, in my opinion, the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. But it is probably because Damon gave it to me. "It all changed when a hunter came to town," I say and I can't help glancing at his tattoo. Those hunters had taken everything from me. If Klaus could kill himself he would have back when he killed the first five hunters. "I had to leave him, and in my absence Katherine came," I say glancing over at Jeremy. His blue eyes are focused solely on me. "The night he changed, it was me who changed him. Katherine had left him to die and I was selfish I didn't want to see him die, even if it meant we would have deal with an eternity apart,"

"Why didn't you go back to him after he was changed?" Jeremy asks and I smile.

"I thought of it for a fraction of a second, but I had Michael after me, the hunters of the five and not to mention my mother," I say, "He was safer without me, I made him forget me, and who I was to him," I run a hand through my hair and Jeremy puts an arm around my shoulders. I lean into his warmth and close my eyes. "The only thing that will make him remember is if I tell him that I love him."

"So why don't you? Michael is dead, your mother is gone and the hunters of the five are gone," He says and I think about it for a second. I don't have any excuses anymore, I, for once, don't have anything coming after me. Why couldn't I let things go back to how they were.

"Honestly Jer, I'm scared." I feel him nod. "It's been over a century, how could he forgive me for doing that to him?" I ask, I feel Jeremy. shrug.

"If he really loves you he won't care how long you've been apart, only that you're back together," he says and I feel a tear slip down my cheek. A breeze shifts my hair and I press my cheek to his shoulder.

"You're a really good friend Jeremy." I say and he laughs.

"Yup, that's me, the friend," he jokes. I laugh and stand up pulling him with me. We walk over to the rest of the group who, after getting everything set, is now moving of into the woods. We hike for what seems like forever and I keep getting dirty looks from Bonnie. Probably just because Jeremy is choosing to talk to me instead of her.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now