Breaking Elena

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Important! This chapter contains spoilers from the episode before the season finale, read at your own discretion.

I sat watching Stefan and Elena with a smirk on my face. He held up another cinder block and she struck quickly breaking it.

"And?" Stefan asks raising his eyebrows, Elena rolls her eyes.

"That did nothing for me. How was it for you?" She glares at him. I smirk wider.

"Hm. Okay." Stefan picks another cinder block and holds it up in front of him. "Again." Elena let's out a large sigh and uses her vampire speed to kick the rock and break it cleanly in half. "Good. Now, focus on letting it go." god he sounds so much like a therapist it's nauseating.

"Or we could skip the sublimating part, and you can tell me where she is so that I can rip her head off." Elena suggests, she sounds pretty pissed and I stifle a laugh, Stefan shoots a glare my way before turning back to Elena.

"I don't know where Katherine is and, even if I did, I wouldn't tell you," Elena looks to me and I shake my head telling her I wouldn't tell her either.

"Stefan, you're the one who told me to channel all of my emotions into one single feeling." she raised an eyebrow waiting for his answer. Stefan sighed.

"I realize that, I just figured it would be love or hope or compassion, not unwavering hatred for a ruthless vampire that's 500 years older than you." Elena shrugged.


"Alright, give me 50 pull-ups." Stefan said I shook my head again, he wasn't going to get her to let go of her anger that way. Elena turned around, jumped up, and grabbed one of the exposed ceiling beams; she started doing pull-ups as Stefan walked in front of her.

"You wanted to kill Klaus when you got your emotions back." She was trying to reason with him.

"I know, and I couldn't" I rolled my eyes. Well that's a shocker.

"You don't think I can kill Katherine?" She pulled her self up again her chin reaching just above the bar before dropping back down.

"I don't think you really want to."

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I just want to feel the warmth of her chest cavity as I rip out her heart and watch her face as she realizes I took it from her." She released herself from the beam, and landed on the floor. "Nah, I just want to kill her. It's that simple." She took off her jacket. "I'm gonna go shower." she walked out of the room. I stood and walked over to Stefan as he collapsed in the chair. I placed my hands on his shoulders and started to rub them. He leaned his head back against my stomach and gazed up at me.

"You'll get through to her," I smiled reassuringly, he raised an eyebrow.

"Really it didn't seem like you thought so earlier,"  he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"You're going about it the wrong way, it's not that kind of anger," I locked my eyes with his while I talked but he looked away quickly.

"I don't know what to do then," He sighed. I smiled slightly and bent down wrapping my arms around his shoulders from behind. I rested my chin on his shoulder and rested my head against his. He tensed for a moment before leaning into me.

"You'll get it Stef, I know you will," I kissed his cheek before leaving the room. I heard the shower going in Elena's room and decided to take one myself. I used my speed to run up to Damon's room.

***Stefan's P.O.V***

I didn't know how how she did it, but whenever I saw her now my heart rate would pick up. Touched the place on my cheek where she kissed me and closed my eyes. I couldn't admit it to myself, she was a possible happy ending for Damon. I couldn't admit that I liked her.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now