Thaliana Mikaelson Backstory (End)

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I groaned and rolled over. My chest ached, and when I looked down I saw blood covering my dress. I sat up and looked around, Merdith was gone and so was Mikael and my mother. I could have sworn Mikael's sword had run through... but if it did, why was I not dead? The blood on my shirt told me that I did not dream the whole thing.

I stood up and stumbled a bit, my head was pounding and my eyes hurt as if someone had punched me multiple times. The worst pain however, was the pain in my gums. It felt like my teeth were all trying to pull out my mouth at the same time. I massaged my gums as I looked around the house. There was nothing there anymore. None of Merdith's herbs, food, clothing. Even the altar room was empty.

"Merdith!" I called, there was no answer, I ran around the house but didn't find her. I walked outside and looked around. Her wagon was gone, she had left me. I went back into the house, looking for some kind of sign of her whereabouts.

"Ana!" I heard a voice call from outside. I ran out to see Nic running to me with a cup of more red liquid. When he reached me he thrust into my face and I noticed it was the same red liquid from earlier. "Drink it," he said, I looked into his eyes seeing the fear in them. I took the cup and gulped down the red liquid handing it back to him empty. His eyes relaxed and he tossed the cup to the ground and hugged me. I hugged him back slowly, not quite sure of what was going on. "Mother cursed us, she did use magic to change us, dark magic," he said and I nodded.

"Father ran us through with his sword and we died," he said, I froze, I actually did die. "We are dead," he said and I shut my eyes. He pulled away from me and I looked up into his eyes. "The spirits were mad at mother and they cursed us," Nic whispered turning away from me. "Because mother used blood to change us, it counts as us killing someone." He said, my eyes went wide. Our father was a werewolf, and we had inherited the werewolf gene. It had, however, lay dormant inside our bodies and we had not had to go through the pain of transitioning as of yet. Only one thing could trigger and activate the werewolf gene. That was if you killed someone, and now we technically had.

"When is the next full moon?" I asked and he stayed silent a moment.

"Another month," he said I paced away from him and rubbed my temples. "We can learn, this is great, don't you feel powerful?" he asked and I stopped, turning to him.

"No, Nicky, I feel scared," I said, tears began to shine in my eyes. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't worry, mother will help us," he said I nodded. When he pulled away I clung to his arm. We walked like that back into town. When we reached to house there was shouting inside and after a moment a blur came out of the house and raced away. "Mikael," Nic said and I nodded, I recognized the voice. We walked into the house and my mother was crying on the floor. When she noticed us standing in the door she immediately stood and dried her eyes.

"Nicklaus, Thaliana, I have locked away your werewolf side, you cannot change," she said, I exhaled a sigh of relief. We walked farther into the house and Esther shook her head. "There were repercussions, Thaliana, I'm so sorry. The witches were not happy that you became a hybrid of a vampire werewolf and an a witch," she started. My eyebrows crinkled and Nic gave her a reproachful gaze.

"I can no longer be a witch mother, I am no longer living, I am an abomination of nature." I say, but she shakes her head.

"Expression is not ruled by nature, thus being an abomination of nature will not change your abilities with it. The other witches are not able to control your powers, binding them like they can with regular magic. No, they have instead cursed you," she said. I gasped and clung tighter to Nic's arm. "They have created an empathy link between you and your siblings. It is one way, you will feel all of their emotions, except for those of joy, happiness and love." I began to feel scared, not only that, but I noticed feelings of dread, hatred, and immense sadness begin to surface inside of my as well. "You will feel their pain, sadness, and anger. All at once," she said. Nic placed his arm around me and pulled me closer as if to protect me. "I am so sorry my child," her voice broke as she talked and my eyes got misty.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now