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Matt looks up at me in horror and I shrug and put the empty pizza box into the trash.

"Did you arrange for that to happen?" he asks and I roll my eyes and grab a paper towel.

"You could say that I guess," I say, then I snap my fingers and Jeremy's blood slinks back into his body. After a moment of silence I turn around and stare at Matt who is speechless. Suddenly Jeremy gasps and sits up. He looks around scared then his eyes zero in on me.

"The hell just happened," Jeremy asks looking from me to Matt.

"Your ring must have brought you back Jer," Matt says eying me and I shake my head.

"Your ring only works if you actually die from supernatural causes, you," I pause pointing at him. "You did not die," I say and he scrunches his eyebrows. "It's was a spell, it creates the illusion that you have been killed, that's what you feel and think and that's what it looks like when really you are perfectly fine," I say and Jeremy looks at me like I have betrayed him. "I can be your friend during off hours, but when we are training you can expect anything, and you should expect everything," I say getting in his face. "I will not be nice and the next three days will be hell for you but I will do what it takes to make you into a lean mean vampire killing machine," I say and pull away. "Jog around the lake," I say and he stares at me for a minutes then gets up and runs out the door. I turn to Matt and he gets up and runs after Jeremy. As soon as they are gone Damon Salvatore walks out from around the corner.

"I like your style," he says "Be the man," he says punching the air and I smirk at him.

"He didn't sense you, and that is a problem," I say and sigh turning around to get out a drink. "Where's the girl?" I ask and he laughs.

"Elena, went home," he says and I smirk. "What?" he asks as I pour myself bourbon.

"You just don't seem like the kind to get attached," I lie and Damon smiles a bit and leans back in his chair.

"Give me a break this is only my second time," he says, third, I think but hide my sadness with sarcasm.

"Oh please, only twice?" I ask laughing. "You probably just don't remember the other ones," I say and he laughs. My heart pangs again and I try to ignore it

"I like you Thal," he says and I smile weakly and down the rest of my drink.

"I'm gonna go surprise the boy's," I say putting my drink down and leaving. A lonely tear escapes my eyes and is whipped off my cheek by the wind as I run away from the love of my life, again.

When I reach them Matt and Jeremy are resting by the side of the trail. I use my magic to make another vampire appear like the one from before, I send it after them and unlike before Jeremy immediately senses the vampire and shields Matt. He easily stakes it after he does so he checks his arm cursing because his mark didn't grow. I smile to myself and follow them for the rest of their run. When they reach the house I run up alongside them. Matt looks at me cautiously and I smile at him.

"Come let's fight," I say when we stop. Matt clears his throat and I wave him off. "I will go easy on you if you want me to," I say but Jeremy shakes his head.

"Come at me'" he says and I shake my head. I under a second he is on the ground, the breath knocked out of him my hands at his neck.

"One, I am original, and two, you never tell a vampire to 'come at you'" I say and hop off off him. He takes a fighting stance again and this to time I charge at him on my own accord. He sticks his arm out and grabs my arm swinging me and slamming my to the ground. This time he forgets about my second hand in which I have used to grab a stake out of his back pocket and hold at his back. "Checkmate again love," I say and Matt groans.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now