Idea of Love

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***Thal’s P.O.V.***

I took a deep breath and sat up. My head was pounding and as I looked around the room, I was in Stefan’s room. I blinked a few times and everything came into focus. Stefan was sitting on the couch a bit of a ways away. His mouth was slightly open as he slept. I smiled and slipped out of his bed, walking over to him quietly. I leaned over him about to shout to try and surprise him but before I could he pulled me down into his arms and wrapped me in a hug. I cried out laughing as he pulled me closer.

“You’re alive,” He whispered and I nodded. He opened his eyes and smiled. “Thank god I wasn’t dreaming,” He chuckled. I pulled myself away from him and he let go hesitantly as I sat cross legged next to him on the couch. “Ana, there’s something I wanted to tell you,” He fidgeted, messing with his hand and my heart rate took off. I knew what he wanted to tell me, and I didn’t want him to say it.

“Not here, I’m starving,” I smiled and stood. “Tell me on the way to get something to eat,” Stefan sighed and stood up as I pulled him. I was deflecting, and I was quite aware. But I didn’t want to have that conversation with Stefan. He was my friend.

I tugged him out the door and towards the woods. Thankfully we didn’t pass anyone on our way out. And by anyone I meant Damon. Once we reached the first tree I ran. It felt so good to have the wind whip through my hair, even the branches, that made tiny cuts on my face felt good. Everything, every feeling was so good.

*** Damon’s P.O.V.***

I watched from the study as Thal and Stefan took off into the woods together. Hand in hand. Her laugh had woken me up, but I stopped myself from going to see her because I knew she wouldn’t want to talk to me. Besides, Stefan must have been good enough company, they were laughing it up in his room. I sighed and looked towards my bourbon stash. It’s five somewhere right? I would be justified.

*** Thal’s P.O.V.***

“Ana, I really need to talk to you,” Stefan said. We had been hunting in silence for an hour and this was what I was trying to avoid. I didn’t want to have this talk.

“Don’t you just love the feeling of the sun on your skin?” I asked, avoiding the topic again. But I wasn’t getting away that easily. Stefan stopped me by grabbing my shoulders and turning me to face him.

“I know what you’re doing,” He said quietly. He caught my eyes and forced me to look into them. “Why won’t you let me say what I need to say?” He asked me.

“Because I know what you want to say and I don’t want you to say it,” Stefan gave me a confused look and I sighed. I couldn’t keep my secret forever. Well I could, but I didn’t want to. “You weren’t imagining me this summer. I was there, I caught you and kept you from falling off the edge, every time. And I heard what you wanted to tell me,” Stefan’s face turned slightly read and he looked away from me. His hands dropped to his sides. “Stefan, I love you, that’s why I don’t want you to tell me what you’re about to tell me,”

“If you love me then you should want to hear me say—“

“You don’t love me in that way,” I cut him off quickly. “You are my friend, and that’s all we can ever be,”

“Why, why won’t you give me a chance?” He looked angry, and I suppose he had a right to be.

“Because I know you don’t love me in that way, you’re confusing yourself Stefan,” I placed a hand on the side of his face and forced him to look into my eyes. “You don’t love me like that, you only love the idea of me,”

“What do you mean? I know what I feel, if I don’t love you then what am I?” He sounded sad, but I knew he could see what I meant.

“You love Elena, you only think you love me because you love the idea of being in love,” Stefan gritted his teeth. “You only think of me as a friend and you and I both know that. If we try the relationship thing it won’t work. Trust me,” His eyes met mine and he sort of half smiled.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now