Thaliana Mikaelson Back story

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This is side story on how Thaliana was turned. It will be in several parts and I will postpone the main story while I write it. It won't take that long, I have the whole story planned out and I won't wait more than a couple days between posts. I hope you like it, here goes.

1003 Lost Land

Dear Diary, 

I have been thinking about my past lately and I have decided to write the story of my transition experience into words. I don't know how it will look but I hope that writing it down will take a load off my chest about a few things. So here goes, my story, starting somewhere in the middle.

I ran, I knew that Merdith would kill me once I got home, but I had to see my brother again. I should have let him walk me, I had a tendency to take my time enjoying the scenery, and he had always been able to get me moving again. I ran faster as I heard the first scream, I looked up at the moon and knew if I didn't make it home in the next five minutes I would be dead by morning. My hair whipped around my face, stinging my cheeks and I heard my name traveling through the wind from my house. It was just in sight, if I only could have a few more seconds, I could make it.

I slammed the door behind me and slid down it breathing heavily. I looked up at the wooden ceiling and praised the goddess of the hearth for letting me get home safely. I heard Merdith chanting in the room over and I knew she had started the protection spell to keep the wolves out. I heard the screams stop as the first howl filled the air. Merdith ran into the room and bent down hugging me.

"Your mother would have had my head if you did not come in on time," She said and I smiled sadly. "Where were you child, you nearly caused my heart to stop," She said and I stood up.

"I had gone to see Nicklaus," I said and she scoffed. Merdith never did approve of my seeing my brother.

"That boy will get you killed one day," She said and I glared at her, she just ignored it and motioned for me to follow her into the altar room. I quickly cleansed my soul and mind before following her. "Come let us practice," She said and I sighed and knelt before the altar. "Have you been doing as I have told you to?" She asked and I nodded lying to her. She shook her head and her eyes grew dark, black as coals. "Do not lie to me young one, you and I both know what happens when you do." She said and I closed my eyes waiting for her to calm down. Ever since we had started to practice expression she had been quick to anger. When I opened my eyes again she looked down at me with her calm green ones. "I do not want you to see Nicklaus anymore," I looked up at her in shock my mouth gaping. "Close your mouth child, it is unbecoming of a young lady," she said, I immediately stood up.

"You cannot restrict my seeing my brother," I said and she scoffed at my forwardness.

"I can and I have," She said and I glared at her tempted to use my magic and make her agree. "He is a danger to your well being,"

"He is my twin, we are related by blood, you cannot keep us apart," I growled and her eyes darkened yet again. Suddenly there was a lung crushing pressure in my chest restricting my breathing. Merdith held out her hand to me her fingers curled in tightly. I knew that the pain was fake, but it felt so real that I couldn't help letting out a scream.

"And if people see you together too often and get the wrong notion?" she asked. Her question was not meant to be answered because she still held her magical hold on me not allowing the air needed for speech to enter my lungs. I lifted my hands to my neck and felt my head go numb. "People do not know you are brother and sister, you would be married and having children with your 'own flesh and blood,'" she said mimicking me. I had been raised as Merdith's child and the only people who knew of the connection between Nicklaus and I was my mother, Merdith, Nicklaus, and myself.

"What would you do if you had to marry your brother?" She asked and I still did not respond. I was still trapped in her grip; it was however, loosening bit by bit. I was able to squeak out a plea for help for the real Merdith to become in control again. Almost immediately her eyes flipped from black to green and the grip on my chest vanished. I fell to the ground gasping for breath. "Oh I am so sorry," Merdith whispered rushing to my side trying to support my shoulders. I coughed and gasped as she patted my back. "This is black magic we are learning, I am so sorry, I should never have begun this," she said and I just nodded. I stood up shakily, slowly, and walked into the room over.

"May we please just sleep now?" I ask rubbing the bruises now forming on my neck. Merdith nodded and followed me into our room. I slipped out of my dress and into my nightgown. I slowly braided and combed my long red hair, staring sadly into the mirror. Merdith wouldn't let her eyes meet me and I didn't blame her.

Once I finished with my hair I stretched a bit and went to my bed. It was made of hay and thatch and my mother had made me a cotton blanket when I was young. I curled myself up into it and fell asleep quickly.

When my mother was young and naive, as a lady still is after her first three children. She had an affair with one of the wolf men in the town we live in. He impregnated her and shortly after he died on a full moon. She kept it a secret and planned to tell my 'father' that we were his children. The plan was working until the birth. My brother inherited mainly traits from my mother, his eyes blue green and his hair sandy brown. Then I came. Merdith said the house mother thought I was the devil spawn and would not hold me. My eyes were as bright a blue as male blue jay, my hair fiery red, resembling that of only one family in the town. My real father's. Merdith and my mother knew I could never pass as my supposed 'father's' child, so my mother placed a spell on me. I was placed in suspended animation for another nine months. She convinced Merdith to pretend to be with child and I was 'born' nine months later. As all magic comes with a price the spell placed on me had had outlasting effects. It slowed my growth significantly, as Nicklaus is now 21, and I am still 16. But even if Nic and I were seen together often, we would not be considered for marriage because we carried on as all siblings would.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now