How it all fell apart

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My scream sobered Damon quickly and he stood up rushing to my side. I wrapped my arms around him and his my face in his shirt whimpering, half to keep up the act and half because my trying too pull my teeth back in with such the strong stench of blood so close by hurt like hell. Damon wrapped his arms around me as I screamed and I felt him tense as his eyes landed on Rosalind.

"We need help!" Damon screamed even though there were already men running in our direction. Damon whispered comforting words in my ear as I began to shake. I finally pulled my teeth all the way in as the first man came up the path. He instantly rushed to Rosalind's side and felt for a pulse that I knew he would never find. The man turned to Damon sadly as I peeked my head out the look at him.

"She's dead," he said quietly. I pretended to fall out of Damon's arms a little and his grip tightened supporting me. "Get her out of here," the man said and Damon nodded.

"Poor Stefan," I whimpered and Damon ran his hand over my hair.

"Shh," he whispered to me pulling me to him. "I'm going to give you to Stefan, I have to go help catch the thing that did that to her," He said and I nodded. He walked me up to Stefan and quickly told him what happened. Stefan's expression dropped to one of dread and tears began to slip down my face. Even if he didn't want to marry her I knew that they had grown up together and were friends. Stefan tucked me under his arm and led me inside as men's shouts began to fill the air. When Stefan got me to my room I sat down on the couch in the corner. I breathed deeply and looked up at him.

"Go with them," I said and he shook his head.

"You need me more than they do," He said and then it was my turn to shake my head.

"She was your fiancé you need to track down the monster that did that to her, don't worry I will be fine." I said and Stefan paused for a minute then nodded.

"Promise to stay here until Damon comes back." Stefan said and I nodded. As soon as he left the room Klaus flew in. I turned to him exhausted and he smiled at me.

"A vampire attacked a girl," I said knowing that it wasn't him because I knew his technique. Klaus nodded solemnly.

"A hunter is in town," He said and my heart fell. "We need to leave love," He said and tears welled up.

"Since when do we run from hunters?" I asked him and he turned his back on me.

"Since since it was one of the five." Klaus said quietly and then he added before jumping out the door. "We must leave before he gets here you have two days, I'm so sorry love," then he was gone, leaving me to my dread. As if in a trance, I had pulled off my skirt then untied my corset and crawled into my bed lifting my sheets up to my chin I knew what I had to do and it killed me to even think of doing it. That night I cried myself to sleep. I woke in the middle of the night to Damon walking into the room and stretching out next to me and wrapping his arms around my torso. I shifted and turned to him.

"Did you catch it?" I asked and I heard Damon mutter positively.

"Was a rather large fox," he said and I sighed. "We took it down easily," he muttered, and I nodded burying my face into his shoulder. "Good night," he whispered and I mumbled my response back.

The next morning I woke and never wanted to leave my bed. I clung to Damon tightly and wanted us to last forever even though I knew we would need tomorrow evening. I looked up and kissed Damon's cheek and felt him smile.

"If I could only wake up like this everyday," he said and kissed my forehead.

"If only," I said sadly, but if he had noticed he didn't say anything. We finally got dressed and walked down stairs for breakfast. There were many men sitting around the table and they quieted when we walked in. I smiled and curtseyed to them and they nodded back. Damon grabbed two rolls from the tray and handed one to me. It reeked of vervain and I knew that this was a test. Not so much as for Damon as it was for me.

"We are going too take a walk father," Damon said and we were about to leave when Giuseppe called my name.

"The cook made a new kind of jam out of one of her herbs. She would like you to try it Miss. Mikaelson," Mr. Slavatore said and I smiled at him taking the knife which was soaked in vervain, it pulsed in my hand and I held back my grimace remaining perfectly cool. I lightly spread the jam on the bread which I also noted had flecks of the poisonous flower in it. After spreading the jam I took a bite and made a face. The men tensed and I heard their hearts pick up.

"The taste of vervain is too strong," I said and scrunched my face, "Please tell her to lessen it, but otherwise it is very good," I said then I took Damon's hand and he led me out the door.

"Thank you Miss. Mikaelson," he said and before we were out the door he added on more thing that made me stop in my tracks. "Damon, your cousin Katherine will be in this evening, I expect you to greet her happily," he said and Damon rolled his eyes and continued pulling me along. I moved quickly after him thinking of the girl Nic is looking for, but I pushed the thought to the back of my brain. It couldn't possibly be her, she would know better than to come here. I snapped out of my day dream and looked at Damon's face sighing as we walked into the vineyard. I would have to fake my death so they would not consider my sudden leaving strange. Especially considering I was engaged to Damon.

"We need to leave now," I heard Klaus say, he was whispering and I could tell that he was a row or two over so Damon wouldn't hear. I nodded and tried to keep my face clear for Damon's sake.

"Pretend to attack me, when I say go," I said under my breath. I then turned to Damon and put my hand on his cheek. He looked at me and smiled hooking a finger under my chin and pulling me closer. I breathed in his scent and made a point of remembering it.

"You are such a strange girl," he said and I looked at him sadly, "But I like that about you," he said, mistaking my sadness, and kissed me. I pushed hard into him and he leaned back against the trellis he chuckled a bit at my forwardness. "I love you," he whispered,

"I love you to Damon," I whispered and I felt him smile through our kiss. A tear slipped down my cheek as I stepped away from him. He had looked at me confused and disappointed. "Did you hear that?" I asked him.

"No, I don't hear anything," Damon said and I shrugged and began to run away from him.

"Chase me," I laughed and Damon smiled and ran after me. I let him catch up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me to him. I laughed and turned to him. He kissed my neck and I gasped. I knew Klaus was growing impatient but I wasn't ready to let him go, not yet. But would I ever be ready?

No, no I wouldn't. I pulled away from Damon and gazed into his impossibly blue eyes they shone with love. I smiled sadly at him and Klaus took it as his cue.

"I love you, Damon" I said placing my hand on his cheek. "Don't you ever forget it," I said and Damon opened his mouth to talk when Nic sideswiped me. I cried out feigning surprise. Nic pushed me into a trellis and ripped into my chest, I screamed. He took that chance to slip something into my mouth.

"As long as you have this in your mouth you will stay down it will also slow down the healing process, I will come get you later," He said then snapped my neck. I let out a grunt before falling to the ground. My hearing did not leave me right away and I could hear his frantic cries turn into tragically depressed ones. It killed me to hear him upset and my heart cried when my eyes couldn't.

Sorry its short, the next one will be longer, sorry. Vote please. ;)

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now