Meeting the enemy

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 *** Damon’s P.O.V.***

Enzo came by and we were playing a game of pool as we talked about, I guess life, or rather death since we weren’t technically living. “So you broke up with Elena. That I get. Then you started with Thal,” Enzo paused and chalked up his pool stick. “Believe me, that one I get. Then you slept together. Seems logical. Now here's where it gets a bit hazy for me. You went to a parent-teacher conference? Even though neither of you are related to Jeremy,” Enzo frowned and broke to start off.  

“He was having some trouble at school,” I shrugged.  Enzo shook his head.

“Right. Then the kicker. You offer to drive Elena back to campus, even though you are supposed to be with Thal, and she says she can't be around you, for obvious reasons. I mean, I'm just confused about why you would even takl to Elena anymore,” I frowned and shrugged. I wasn’t really too perplexed about it. She and I had broken up and I had tried to be her friend but she didn’t want it.

“I'm fine. We're just taking some time apart,” I shrugged and hit the white ball. I missed my shot and winced.

“Yeah, of course. A friends phase, where you, her friend, watch as she moves on with her life, finds a new boyfriend, perhaps a nice gentleman from a fraternity-- Chance or Brock,” I rolled my eyes. Enzo was convinced I wasn’t past Elena and he was worried for Thal. I knew that even if he didn’t say it so many words. She and Enzo had the same ‘we were tortured together’ bond that he and I had and he watched out for her. In his own weird way.

“Does your mysteriously missing girlfriend know how insufferable you are? Maybe that's why you haven't found her. She doesn't want to be found,” I changed the subject. Enzo rolled his eyes this time.

“I haven't found her because the Travelers, i.e. my only lead, decided to play a fun game of spontaneous combustion before giving me what they promised,” He gritted his teeth and I shook my head. I wasn’t sure of what the travelers meant by their group suicide but something told me it wasn’t the end of them.

“Right. Now you're here annoying me,” I said nonchalantly, purposefully ignoring his passive aggressive annoyance. Enzo scoffed and we continued to play.

*** Thal’s P.O.V.***

“Well, I guess my mom's not here yet. I'm gonna get us some coffees,” I nodded and looked around the building to find us a table. I got us one in the front corner by the windows. It was a bit chilly outside so most of the people were sitting towards the middle of the room where it was warmer. The moment I sat down and blinked however, I was in a different place entirly.

It was Mystic High and I was walking down the hall. I passed Stefan and I felt my chest constirct a bit. I shook it off and kept walking past him with two girls flanking my sides.

“I’m sorry about Stefan Thal, if it makes you feel any better, that Elena girl is a real--“ My hand flew up and she stopped talking.

“I don’t really want to talk about it,” I spoke bitterly and the girl ducked her head and grew quiet. I smirked to myself as we continued to walk. I had so much power over these girls and all that was left was to be with the right king, and that king was Stefan.

“My mom's minutes away. Elena? Hello? Thal!” Caroline’s shouts brought me out of my day dream and I shook it off a bit uncomfortably.

“How did I get here? I was just standing at the doorway,” Elena was sitting in front of me and I frowned. When had she sat down? “And what the hell is she doing here?” I raised my eyebrows as Elena eyed me.

“Uh, you walked. Hang on. Did you just have one of those dreams, like, right here?” Caroline asked. I frowned, not sure if she was talking to Elena or me. “Wait, are you both getting them?” She gasped.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now