Thaliana Mikaelson Backstory (Part 2)

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I woke to the sound of screaming up at the mountain. It was where my brother, half siblings and mother would go for the full moons. Merdith and I would stay in our house and she would just charm it for the night.

I quickly slipped into my day dress and wrapped my shawl around me. I ran up to the mountains and arrived to see a large crowd of people surrounding someone. I pushed through the crowd to the center to find Nic standing and my mother crying over a small boy. I pulled my shawl closer around me and ran up to Nic. He turned to me, his eyes were sad and I gasped when I saw the face of the boy on the ground. It was Henrik, the youngest of the Mikaelson children. Tears came to my eyes and I turned to Klaus.

"We went to see the men change," he whispered and I felt the air rush out of my chest. Mikael, our supposed father, already disliked Nic, now after this; I feared for his well being. I placed my hand on his arm and he leaned into me. Tears still streamed down my face but I did my best to ignore them. "Father will kill me," he said and I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him to me. He leaned on me and his shoulders began to shake.

"Shh, Nicky, come on," I said and pulled him away from the crowd. We went to back to his house and when we were out of sight Nic began to cry. He wept on the ground and I wrapped my arms around him and let him lean on me. He tears soaked my shawl and I rocked him back and forth. Elijah walked in sleepily but immediately ran to our side when he saw Nic.

"What's happened?" he asked and Nic stopped crying, he only ever cried in front of me. He pulled away from me and left the house. Elijah turned his gaze to me and I couldn't meet his eyes.

"It's Henrik," I said and Elijah's eyes widened and he ran out the house. I followed him in search of Nic. I saw Mikael stalking impatiently back and forth. I tried to avoid him but he caught me. He stalked over to me and I cowered beneath him.

"Where is Nicklaus?" he asked and I shook my head. He growled at me and I took a step back. "I know you know where he is, now tell me," he said and I took another step back.

"Leave her alone father," Someone said from over Mikael's shoulder. I looked to see Nic standing a small ways away. He came forward slowly and I went to his side. I tugged on his arm to pull him away but he ignored me.

"Nicky, please, let's just go," I tried to plead with him but he wouldn't listen. "Nicklaus, please," I said but he just shook me off.

"He needs to face his father as a man, not a coward, hiding behind a woman" Mikael said and I prayed to god almighty that he would not hurt my brother too badly. Mikael drew his sword and my heart sunk. Mikael was always the better swordsman, his years gave him an advantage. He tossed my brother his sword and I knew I had to do something. I ran back to the house in search of Esther, my mother. I ran into the house and came across Kol instead.

"Whoa there Ana, what's going on?" he asked holding my shoulders, stopping me.

"It's Mikael, he is fighting Nic," I said quickly. Kol's eyes darkened and he grabbed his coat.

"Elijah!" he called and immediately his brother came. "Get mother out to the square, father might just kill Nicklaus this time," he said then he ran out the house with me on his trail. I heard Elijah calling for his mother as we ran back to where Nic was. When we got to the square the battle between the two men had begun. It was clear who was going to win, just whether or not one of them would die is the question. "Father, stop!" Kol called, but the man ignored him.

"Mikael, stop!" A voice called from behind me. I turned to see Esther running towards the fight with Elijah at her side. She ran up to Mikael and wrapped her arms around him pulling him away from her son. Nic, however, kept charging at his father. Elijah ran at him and held him back. "Stop it, I have lost one son and I will not lose another!" she shouted and Mikael stopped struggling and glared at Nic.

"There is one rule, on full moons, only one rule Nicklaus, and you broke it," Mikael growled at his son and Nic cast his eyes away. "Look at me boy!" Mikael shouted and Nic glared at him. "You disobeyed that rule, and because of it your brother died," he said and Nic's eyes began to water, but he tried to hide it. "You killed your brother," he said and Esther gasped.

"Mikael, that's enough!" she said and began to pull her husband away. Nic shook Elijah off and began to walk away. I ran to his side and linked my arm through his. We walked out into the forest and once we were far enough away tears rolled down Nic's face and soaked my hair. I stopped us and turned to face him. I wiped his tears away from his face.

"I should never have taken him out there, father was right, I did kill my brother," He whispered and I shook my head.

"You did not kill you your brother, it wasn't your fault. You can't tell the future," I said, but he just shook his head, and turned away from me.

"You don't get it, I pressured him into going with me, after I met with you," He said "I told him I would protect him, and instead he died." Nic knelt on the ground. "If not for me he would be alive and well," Nic said. I walked over to him and placed my arms around his shoulders pulling him to me. He resisted at first but then leaned into me. "I am a joke of a man," He said and I shook my head.

"No, Nic, you are the best man I know," I said, and he laughed a bit,

"Then you will have a hard time marrying,"

"As if you would let me," I giggled, and he grunted in agreement. "Nic, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault," I said and he nodded.

"Having a lovers meeting now are we?" Kol asked from the edge of the clearing. Nic and I immediately separated. Merdith may be right about us having to marry.

"Jealous brother?" Nic said cockily and I elbowed him in the side. Kol smirked and walked closer to us. He sat in front of me making a circle almost.

"Of you Nicklaus? Not at all," He said and I laughed at Nic's scowl. "Mother is trying to calm father," Kol said, switching to a much more serious tone. "Rebekah is cleansing Henrik," he said and Nic nodded. "Elijah said mother is very frantic as well. She doesn't want to lose anymore of us, he said she stopped by your mothers," he said turning to me. Why would Esther look to magic to save her children? There was no good magic that could do what she wanted.

"Esther wouldn't use magic on you would she?" I asked and Kol shrugged, Nic shuddered, he hated magic, it made him feel powerless.

"She is desperate," Kol said and I cast my eyes to the grass. Nic was looking at me now and I knew why. If Esther turned to magic, would she use it on me? People would question her, why use it on a random girl. I knew my fate, whatever protection Esther gave her children, would be exempt to me, I would not get it. Kol looked in between us and shook his head not understanding.

"Thaliana!" I heard an angry voice call out to me. I turned to see Merdith stalking towards me, her eyes were flickering in between green and black. I immediately stood and ran to her before she could get to the boys. "I told you to stay away from him, people are already asking when the two of you will be married!" she shouted at me. I winced as she grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her. I heard Kol chuckle from behind me and Nic just smiled a bit. "Come home, I need to speak with you, it's important," she said and I rolled my eyes. Once we were out of hearing range of the boys she whispered to me. "Your mother wishes to speak to you," she pulled me, and my arm ached until we reached the house and she let go. My mother was standing in the altar room kneeling before it meditating. I waited patiently for her to finish, it grew dark outside before she turned. There were tears in her eyes as she took a large bowl filled with a red liquid, and carried it over to me.

"Come my child, drink," she said, I turned to Merdith to make sure it was okay. She nodded her head slightly and I took the bowl and drank a small sip of the thick red liquid. I had to resist the urge to throw up. I scrunched my nose and turned around.

I came face to face with Mikael and he had an angry glint in his eyes as he ran his dagger through my heart. I gasped and I fell to the ground as Merdith called my name.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now