Finally... She's back

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So, we've come full circle friends. Say You Love Me began in November of 2013 so it's only fitting that it ends in November. This chapter was months in the making and I hope you all enjoy it. Not to worry, there will be a short sequel that is in the making. Expect the teaser for it in the next few months and I hope you all will continue to read and enjoy my stories even as I continue on to original works. I have so much enjoyed these past five years, writing alongside TVD and reading all your comments and I am sad that my first novel is coming to an end. But this isn't goodbye, SYLM may be over but Thaliana and Damon will be back soon.

Please feel free to tell me what you think of my final chapter, I always love reading your comments.

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Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now