The Otherside

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Have I torn out your heart yet? Well, if I haven't here's a final bonus piece for good measure. 

***Damon's P.O.V.*** (Oh yes, I went there)

Bonnie led me to the crypt where I could hear Ana chanting. I closed my fist as a sharp pain pierced my heart. She was trying to save me. "It won't work Ana, that was our last shot," Bonnie said sadly. I turned away as they went back and forth and winced when I heard the crash of the candles flying across the room. "He's here, you can say goodbye," Bonnie whispered before leaving the crypt.

"Why can't I see you?" She whispered, letting out a cough while she wiped her tears. I exhaled sharply and took small steps closer to her. "Damon! Why can't I see you!" She screamed, stumbling forward a few steps before falling to her knees. I knelt down infront of her and placed my hand on the back of her head resting my forehead on hers. "Just one more time," I chocked back my tears.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm so sorry,"

"I just want to see you!" She screamed. She was angry, and scared. I could tell she blamed herself and it killed me not to be able to tell her that it wasn't her fault. None of this was her fault. She had done everything she could have and I didn't want her to think any differently. She screamed my name once and I winced. "I love you," She whispered. I nodded and ran my thumb across her cheek "Please don't leave me". She closed her eyes and sat back on her heels. 

"I don't have a choice, baby," I whispered. "You are, by far, the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my 173 years on this Earth. I get to die knowing I was loved, and not just by anyone, but by you, Thaliana Michaelson. It's the epitome of a fulfilled life. It's never gonna get any better than this. I peaked," I chuckled to myself sadly. I leaned forward and kissed one of her tearstained cheeks. "I love you," I whispered before standing to go find Bonnie.

When I turn away from the basket Damon is looking at me expectantly. Thank god I had not put on a dress that needed framing today. I lay down and rest my head on his crossed legs. He reaches into the fruit basket and eats a strawberry. I open my mouth and stare at him expectantly. He smiles and laughs then drops a grape in my mouth.

"This is backwards isn't it?" he asks and I look up at him waiting for him to elaborate. "The goddess being fed by the regular man," he says and I blush turning away from him.

"I'm no goddess," I mutter and Damon makes me sit up and face him. His eyes serious and and they hypnotize me.

"You are to me," he says and I feel a tear start to roll down my cheek. He catches it before it falls and smiles at me. I smile back and wrap my arms around his neck. He hugs me back and we stay like that.

"I love you Damon," I whisper and I hear his heart beat speed up.

"I know," he says sarcastically and I sit up and hit him. He pretends that it hurt and rubs his arm. "You better run," he pretends to growl and I stand up and scream starting to run. He stands up and chases me. I let him catch me he wraps his arms around my waist and twirls me around. He sets me on the ground and turns me so I'm facing him. "I love you too," he whispers leaning into me. I raise myself to my toes and kiss him.

And that my friends, is a death scene. I hope I didn't ruin your day too much! I hope you can have a happy break after reading this. Be on the lookout for other parts! They'll be on their way soon!

I'm also changing the cover to symbolize the sort of mood the book is going to take so look out for that as well.

Don't forget to comment!!

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now