Valentines Day Special

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A/N Hey so this is just a special Valentines Day chapter. It has nothing to contribute to the main novel. It's just for fun and if it doesn't come out on Valentines day I'm sorry, I have like five stories that I am writing and I hope to give them all a special chapter. So I hope you like the chapter I had so much fun writing it.

***February 13 1863***

***Thaliana's P.O.V.***

I hurriedly walk to town trying to get there and back before it gets dark. I have been trying to not use my abilities but there is no way that I will get there and back before dusk. I sigh and use my vampiric speed and appear behind the drug store in seconds. I straiten my hair and my dress quickly before walking around the corner and into the shop. It's filled with men buying last minute gifts for tomorrow. I sense dozens of eyes following me as I push through the crowd and into the candy making section of the store which is empty, because men don't cook. I pick up a bag of Dark chocolate and a smaller bag of white chocolate. I also find a mold of hearts and a 'D'. He will love this, who doesn't like chocolate.

"Excuse me Miss?" a young boy, of around 15 or16 asks me. I turn to him smiling and he flushes lightly his heart rate picking up. "Um, well I'm having trouble figuring, which gift to get my girl and I was wondering if you could help me out," he pauses and stares at the floor. "You being a woman and all," he mumbles. I smile and laugh which makes him blush further.

"White means purity, innocence, youthfulness, and 'I am worthy of you'," I say motioning to the white roses in his left hand he looks at them his face brightening just a little. "And those red ones stand for beauty, courage, respect, romantic tolove, 'I Love You', " sincere love, respect, courage & passion," I say and he turns to his other hand confusion clouding his eyes. "What to get just depends on what you want to tell her," I smile and he nods.

"Thank you miss," he puts the white roses down and ties a bow around the red ones. "She will love these," he says. He throws me another smile before paying for the roses and leaving. I walk to the front of the store and am stopped by several men wanting my opinion on what to get their wives, mothers and lady friends. I quietly give them my opinion and secretly hope that Damon isn't asking a stranger advice on what to get me.

When I finally get out of the store it's dusk and I hope that I can get the chocolates made in time for tomorrow. I walk around the corner to the back of the store then use my speed to get me back to the camp in under a minute. I walk into the camp and many people wave to me. I have become very popular since I came here. I try to sneak into my tent but Damon catches me before I can.

"Are you avoiding me?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows smile at him and move my bag to hide it from him. He tries to look around my shoulder but I shy away from him and he looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe I am," i say and he tries to look around my again but i move so the bag is just out of view from him.

"What are you hiding from me" he asks and I giggle and back into my tent. He tries to follow but I close the curtains and poke my head out.

"That, Mr. Salvatore, is for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot," I say and close the curtain in his surprised, but amused face. After a moment I hear him laugh and walk away. I smile to myself and walk farther into the tent.

I pick up a small metal bowl and easily bend a spout in it. I then get out the dark chocolate and then the molds. It's a chocolate heart that has an indent in it to pour white chocolate in once it's dry (A/N A picture on the side). I put the chocolate coins into the metal bowl and use magic to heat up my hands and melt the chocolate. I then quickly pour the chocolate into the molds trying to use all of it. I then lay it on the side table by my bed to dry. I put the metal bowl into a bucket of water, it sizzles as it sinks to the bottom. I quickly wash my hands and dry them on my sheets. I finish just in time to hear a bell ring signaling it's time for dinner. I run out of my tent and into the pavilion. I look around for Damon but he is nowhere in sight.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now