When I'm alone with you

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***Thaliana's P.O.V.*** 

I groan quietly and roll onto my side. Hands immediately grasp my wist and roll me back. My eyes fly open and I sit up quickly causing my head to beat painfully.

"Careful sunshine, wouldn't want you to fall off the cliff now would we?" an overly sarcastic voice asks from above me. I look up and see Damon standing above me smirking. I glance to my left and see that we are on the edge of the cliff that looks over the waterfall where the cave resides. I slowly stand with Damon's help and notice something missing, or someone rather.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, Damon shakes his head and leans against a tree conveniently located behind him. My head hurts and I don't have the patience for even him right now.

"Stephan and the others went back to Mystic Falls. Stephan thought it would be best you stay with me, we need to find Bonnie." he says, his voice grows quiet, he's trying to avoid a subject and I know it. I just don't know what.

"How could I be of any help finding Bonnie?" I ask him stretching my back. It pops and I sigh satisfied. Damon raises an eyebrow to me and pushes himself off the tree.

"Well, you're a witch, she's a witch, shouldn't you be able to locate each other with your witchy voodoo?" he asks moving his hands as if one is Bonnie and the other is me, then claps them together at the end of his sentence. "You know witch telepathy,"

"Voodoo? Witch telepathy? You have clearly drunken too much of the bubbly stuff," I say the corner of my mouth twitching upward.

"Yeah, yeah, can you find her or not?" he asks me. He looks annoyed, but I know his face too well, it's dancing with bits of amusement at the edges.

"I can try Mr. Salvatore," I say, he rolls his eyes and flashes me a blinding smile.

"Thank you Miss. Mikaelson," he says with mock respect, bowing slightly at the waist. I chuckle and begin to walk off into the woods.

***Damon's P.O.V.*** 

***Hours earlier*** 

Stephan and I are standing in the middle of one of tunnels in the cave. Well, I'm pacing, I cant get myself to stand still. He's just told me what happened, but I can't believe it. The kid was just starting to grow on me, I felt responsible for him. He can't just die on me.

"How'd this happen?" I stop in front of him waiting for an answer.

"It was Katherine, she must have been following us the whole time," he says. Dammit, how did I not know, I should be able to tell these things by now.

"What about the cure... or Silas?" I yell, I know I'm taking my anger out on him, and I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. What are little brothers for anyways?

"If there was anything in there at all it's all gone. When I walked in all I saw was Thal on the floor unconscious," he says, a part of me in the back of my mind sighs in relief, but I ignore it.

"Then where the hell's Bonnie?" I ask him. My tone is accusatory, like it's his fault, but it's not, I know it's not.

"I have no idea, she went looking for Jeremy last night and she never came back," he says, I purse my lips and turn away from him. I have the strong urge to punch the wall but I know if I do the tunnels may very well come down. "Damon," Stephan pauses long enough to make me look back at him. "Elena's in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life," he says. I shrug and start to walk past him.

"OK fine, I'll wait with her," I mumble, but he stops me.

"No, listen to me," he says, I turn back to him waiting. Elena needs me and I don't have all day, but that seems to be as long as I'll have to wait before Stephan says anything. "Jeremy was one of the five," he whispers and pauses yet again, "A hunter," He looks into my eyes and realization dawns on me. This can't be happening.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now