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A/N I would just like to clear something up really quickly. So Thaliana has two names. Yeah I know confusing, but one is Ana or Anna, which is what everyone calls her, and the other one is Thal which is what only Damon calls her. I realized that I never clarified that so sorry about that. Happy reading!

"How long until we have our sister back?" Elijah asked. I shrugged and walked around a bit more. I fingered my red hair, it was bright, the color of fire.

"Until I get bored I suppose, I like this body very much. I lifted my dress a bit and gazed at my ankles.

"How long will it be until you get bored?" I glanced quickly up at Nicklaus, he was feisty, that kind of attitude would let him live long in my presence. Please leave them be, they are only scared and confused. And they should be scared.

"Do not test me boy. I can kill any one of you in a second," I swiped up a leaf from the ground and ignited it in my hand. They gasped, and I smiled.

"You are a demon," Kol charged at me and frowned. "Get out of my sister!" he yelled lunging at me. I made a move to kill him but something stopped me. Leave my brother alone! The girl yelled. Kol hit me like a truck and I fell over. The rest of them took that as their chance to perform a makeshift excorsism. They tied me up and held a bible over my chest. I struggled but the ropes had a strange plant laced around them. Thaliana began to struggle, trying to break free. Between the plant weakening me and Thaliana struggling I began to lose control of the body. I screamed this wouldn't be my last time, I Kew that but I was so close. It was my boldness that was my downfall.


"I bet it's fake," Stefan smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. We were driving to the boarding house, Stefan had lent me a pair of his sweat pants and a tee shirt. They were really warm but a little too big on me.

"It's not fake," Stefan glanced at me then looked back at the road.

"Prove it," He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Come on if it's real then prove it," How was I supposed to prove to him that I didn't dye my hair. "See you can prove it." He shook his head and tsked.

"I don't need to prove it, I know I have red hair and that's what's important," I gazed out the window and Stefan cracked up. We pulled into the boarding house driveway. We got out the car and walked up to the door.

"You know I don't doubt you right?" he asked slinging an arm around my shoulders. I rolled my eyes and walked into the house. Stefan's arm dropped from around me as we walked into the living room. Damon was sitting on the couch sipping bourbon. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Damon. Stefan poured himself a drink and sat in an armchair across from the couch.

"Where's Elena?" he sipped his alcohol and sat back.

"Down in the cellar, not even Katherine could break her. Whose clothes are those?" he motioned to me.

"They're mine, what do you mean Katherine couldn't break her?"

"I asked Katherine to help me force feeling out of her." Damon turned to me, he seemed exhausted.

"She stayed at my house." Stefan tried to keep Damon's attention. "Why would you let Katherine anywhere near Elena?" Damon's head snapped to his brother.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now