Vervain Facial

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*** Important*** 
This part contains spoilers from TVD Season 4 episode 18, American Gothic. I also wanted to say that although I do not own any TVD characters or plot lines, I do own Thaliana (wow that sounds weird) and all of her side stories, and any other characters I create. I did find one story almost exactly like mine, and they are one of my readers and I would just like to say that I'm not mad, but please don't copy this story. At least not without my permission. I worked really hard to try and get my plot and characters to fit exactly with the TV series and would really appreciate if the person writing the story would stop. Or at least message me about it.   With that note, enjoy!

***The Americas, some 1,000 years ago***

***Thaliana’s P.O.V.***

“Nic, we can’t just let them keep thinking that father killed her. We have to tell them the truth,” I pleaded with him but he shook his head.

“They don’t know the side of mother that we know, they will hate you, they won’t accept what you did like I did,” He said, “They’ve barely let you into the family,” We were walking through the woods a ways away from where we had set up camp after leaving town a few  weeks ago. Nic and I had snuck away to talk, but now I wanted nothing more than to leave this land and travel to another. I have noticed that being in close proximity to my siblings heightens the effects of my curse. Nic saw my pain and stopped walking. "I have heard from some of the witches in the town nearby talking of our different abilities," he said. "It's all speculation but they are talking about how we could possibly be able turn off our emotions. You know, not feel any pain," he eyed me for my reaction but it wasn't a big one.

"How could that be true?” I asked him, trying to make him see the light, “The purpose of my curse is to make me feel pain, and there cannot be a loop hole--

"But it’s worth a try isn’t it?” Nic interrupted me; he took a hold of my shoulders and locked his eyes with mine. “Shouldn’t you try every possible method that there is to getting rid of this madness?” I wanted so badly to turn away from him, to run. I could feel his desperation seeping through me and I wanted it all to go away.

“Nic, we can’t escape it, for every method we try something twice as bad will happen to us. There will always be a consequence.” Nic turned away from me and I could feel his frustration building onto mine making the situation escalate.

“I get it,” he said quietly, I waited for him to continue, “I get it, Ana, you don’t know how much I understand,” He turned back to with a fire in his eyes. “If you do not want to help yourself, then why should I even try?” He yelled I flinched back, away from him. My anger turning to hurt, mounting as I saw the tears in his eyes. “You are suffering, and I want to help you but you won’t let me! Do you think I want to see you hurt!? To see something our cursed mother did to you take over who you are!? You are a shadow of who you once were, the sister I once had.” Nic paused and his voice quieted. “And if don’t have any interest in becoming the happy sister I had…then I want nothing to do with you,” All of the air left my lungs as his final words sunk in. I whispered his name as I reached out a hand, trying to catch his arm. He pulled away and out of my reach shaking his head. “No, I’m done helping you. Find your own way to happiness Ana,” With those final words he turned in a blur and was gone.

My mouth hung open as I gripped my stomach and sunk to the floor. The pain in my chest was immense. It was not a physical kind of pain, no; this was much, much worse. Nic had dealt his blow where he knew it would hurt me the most. My heart bled, I had lost my entire family in all of three weeks. I had no one, nothing to care for. Nic would surely tell my half siblings that I had left them, they would be hurt, and they would feel betrayed. I sat on the floor of the forest in tears; my vampire senses making the situation feel so much worse than it really was.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now