Falling in deep

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Over the course of the next few weeks Damon and I fell deeper in love. We took long walks around camp and swam in the ponds. When it came nearer for them to go into the next battle I began to worry.

He was only human after all.

"I have said not to worry of me, I am faster than the enemy, I will make it back" He had told me, trying to assure me the night before the battle. I still was not convinced, humans are fragile and the break easily, I could not bear to lose him to this war. Or to anything for that matter.

"I know that you are skilled, my love I just hate to take chances like this. I wish that you didn't have to go," I gazed into his eyes, he smiled down at me and kissed my forehead lightly.

"You needn't worry, I will come back," He paused and his face brightened, "How could I not when I have you waiting for me?" I forced a smile through my watering eyes.

"Well then, you need to wake early tomorrow and you will need your sleep. I'll not keep you up any longer," I smiled and he reluctantly got up to leave, I held out my hand and he kissed it bowing slightly before disappearing. As soon as he left I had wished that I had kissed him, really kissed him. I told myself that if he made it out, I would kiss him, and I just hoped that he wouldn't die before I got that chance.

He was gone by the time I got up the next morning, I could hear the gunshots booming through the valley miles away, I tried to pinpoint his shout through the many that were going off but I could not hear it. My hearing had grown weaker since I began to stay with the regiment, as I could only feed on animals so they would not detect a murderer. I dressed myself and headed out towards the woods. No one had suspected me because I had often gone for for walks with Damon in weeks past. As soon as I was out of sight of the camp I summoned a rabbit, a few seconds later one hopped up to me. I quickly snatched it up and drank its blood, it was bitter and held the taste of metal but it had to do, just to keep my urges down. I placed the rabbit carefully in the bushes and resumed my walk feeding now and again. I didn't return to the camp until I heard the gun fire cease, which was around noon. I timed myself and returned an hour before the regiment and sat in the infirmary tent with the other nurses. I held casual conversation with them as I tried to listen for Damon's voice among the men coming back. They were about a mile away and I could still not hear his voice.

"He will be alright dear," one of the older nurses told me patting my shoulder. "That boy has a special way about him, he will be alright," she said smiling sadly.

"For my sake and his poor family's I pray that you are right," I took a deep breath and began to listen again.

Ten minutes later I could hear them staggering into the entrance. I stood up and ran to greet them. Some of the younger nurses followed me leaving the older ones to shake their heads. I reached the gate and feigned being out of breath to match tired human girls.

The men staggered into camp and were helped to walk by the other girls. The ones that were uninjured helped their fellow soldiers, but Damon was nowhere to be seen. My eyes started to water as I turned and helped another man carry a soldier with a bleeding leg. A lonely tear slid down my cheek as I helped the soldier. I helped him onto the surgical table and looked at his leg. It would need to be amputated I thought automatically as I cleaned the wound and stopped the bleeding. Having fed earlier I had no trouble being around this much blood.

More tears had begun to slide down my cheeks and I prepared him for amputation. Once everything was finished I left the tent to let the older nurses do their job. I cleaned my hands and face in an a bucket. I staggered to the eating tent to see the other soldiers. As I walked in the talking seemed to quiet and the others looked at me, I stared ahead eyes unseeing. I staggered some more and one of the men came to my aid.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now