Happy Birthday Damon

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This is dedicated to tvdluv13 because she talked about my story in her wattpad TVD fanfic review book. I believe I was the first and I really appreciate that. If you guys have a fanfic, or are looking for a good one to read check out her reviews.

***Thaliana’s P.O.V. July 27 1863***

“Oh dammit!” I exclaimed. The other girls in the kitchen looked up at me in astonishment. “Sorry ladies, it’s just I burned the cake again. And tomorrow it Damon’s birthday and I want it to be perfect,” I wiped my floury hands on my apron. “I just, my mother died before she could show me how to bake, and I’m totally hopeless at it. Oh, he’ll never want to marry a girl who can’t cook,” my lower lip began to tremble and I gazed down at the fifth cake I burned. The girls gathered around me and consoled me.

“Here, we’ll help you out, just pay attention,” One of them said. They began to walk me through making a basic chocolate cake with an orange flavored icing. It was actually quite easy and once we were finished we had a beautiful cake sitting in front of us. I turned and hugged to girl closest to me.

“Thank you so much, it’s so beautiful,” I pulled away from her and addressed the group, “I couldn’t have done it without you guys, thank you,” The girls around me smiled and began to go back to the work they were doing beforehand. I put the cake in a plastic container and put it in the ice box. The dinner bell sounded just as I left the tent and everyone gathered in groups to the dining hall. I saw Damon enter with a group of soldiers and decided to eat with the other girls. We all sat down with our food and immediately one girl began talking.

“My mother just wrote me and told me that Ariya ran off with a union soldier,” The table gasped and erupted into whispers. I gazed around confused.

“Ariya Jackson?” One asked

“I always knew she was a northerner at heart, but I can’t believe she eloped, that’s terrible!” Another girl shook her head as if it were the most terrible thing in the world. “You could live right next door to someone and not know who they really are.” I creased my eyebrows, and tilted my head to the side.

“Well, did she love him?” I asked quietly. The table stopped talking and all of the girls turned to me.

“What do you mean?” The first girl who spoke asked me.

“Well, if he makes her happy, then what does it matter what others think?” The girls’ mouths dropped as they stared at me. I began to shrink in my seat at the sight of them.

“What people think about you is everything. Or at least it should be. How do you expect to live in society if you elope? Who would be your friend? I know I wouldn’t be friends with her,” The other girls laughed and agreed. I shook my head and stood up. As usual I hadn’t touched my food and I threw it away before walking out of the makeshift hall. I walked off as I normally did, no one ever saw me as I walked into the woods to feed.

I tracked down a small rabbit and drained a small amount of blood out of it just to heighten my hearing so I could catch something bigger. It took me close to an hour but finally I caught an elk. As I drank from it I tried to calm its mind so that it wouldn’t struggle. Doing this was growing increasingly hard, as the animal blood wasn’t as strong as a human’s. It made me weaker, and I couldn’t compel as easily as a normal vampire could.

Once I was finished I wiped my mouth and walked down to the riverbank. Call me crazy, but I could not stand the feeling of dried blood on my hands and face. I rinsed them off as the sound of someone approaching came from behind me. I dried my face and hands quickly then rose to see Damon standing awfully close. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my ever so gently and pulled me to him. I rested my cheek against his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now