Familial Suicide

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So, an awesome user named banshee_screamer23 gave me the idea of giving you sneakpeeks of the next chapter when I'm halfway through writing it. Now, I am mean and you may end up hating this user for suggesting this because I know these sneak peeks are going to make you itch for the next chapter. So without further adue, here is your sneak peek of the upcoming chapter.

-The blade of love cuts deepest not when love first ends but when it is mutually known by both lovers that there is no going back. The moment they both know that all hope of redeeming, rekinldling, their love has been lost.

"Who was that?" Damon asked, Elena put her phone in her pocket and shugged, Damon frowned. He knew her too well and she knew he did, there would be no use in hiding it, he would be able to see through that and it would only make him more interested

 "It was just Caroline," She said, she rubbed her hands together to hide that they were shaking. Damon saw that, something about her demeanor was making him wonder what was so important about her conversation with Caroline. Why she felt the need to emphasize that it was just Caroline that was calling. They both knew he wasn't going to let this go.

"What did she say?" He asked. Elena's mind flashed back to what her gossipy friend had told her. The development between Ana and Stefan, she knew Damon would go balistic if he heard. She knew he still loved her and she knew that he was still on the fence about who he should be with.

"It was just stuff about Ana and Stefan," She tried to beat around the subject and avoid it entirely, but it wasn't working. 

"What about them? Are they ok?" He knew the travelers were going after Stefan and he also knew Ana had been spending a lot of time with his brother. They could have hurt them, but he didn't know how far from the truth he was. And Elena didn't want to tell him. 

"They're fine," Elena kept her eyes down. She wanted to avoid the whole subject but she knew they would talk about it eventually and eventually was seeming to be now. 'It's like incest,' Caroline had said. 'Their whole relationship feels so wrong. They need to go back to being friends,' she had said. Part of Elena thought she was just being jealous, but the other part of her knew just how right Caroline was. And she also knew who Ana was happiest with, and how happy she made that person, but she was too selfish to admit it to herself.

"If they're fine then why would Caroline talk about them?" Damon grew more and more suspicious as Elena tried to avoid the topic more and more. What could possibly be going on with his sibling and his ex?

"They'reinarelationship," Elena said too quickly for him to follow. He gave her his best 'seriously?' look and she took a deep breath to speak more slowly. "Their in a relationship," She said. He frowned.

"With who?" Elena rolled her eyes about how dense one person could be. But Damon wasn't dense, just not acceopting.

"Eachother Damon," The world stopped at those words.


Muahahaha. I told you I was mean. Look out for my next update.

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