In Caroline's world

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"Honestly Bonnie, I'm telling you, it's like some freaky incest thing," Caoline took another sip from her wine cooler and shook her head. "They are way wrong for eachother," Bannie shook her head. She wouldn't make a comment either way because Caroline was known to gossip. "You should have seen it," Caroline's nose scrunched up.

"Are you sure that's you and not the jealousy talking?" Bonnie asked, her friend glared at her and she laughed.

"No, she's right, I've seen it with my own two eyes," Matt held up his beer as he agreed with Caroline.

"You want to know what I think?" Caroline asked.

"What do you thinkg Care? What goes on in the perfect woorld you want us to live in?" Jeremy asked sarcastically. Caroline rolled her eyes and glared at him, but decided to go with it.

"In my perfect world, Ana and Damon are toogether, you two are together," She motioned to Jeremy and Bonnie. "And--"

"You can't forget that you and Stefan need to be together," Matt joked and Caroline threw her empty bottle at him, which he dodged easily.

"No, Stefan likes Elena," She tried to convince not only them but herself. She wasn't entirely sure these days and being unsure was dangerous. "I bet Stefan and Ana last another two monthes tops," Caroline pulled out her wallet and slammed a twenty on the table between them.

"No way, not even that long. I give it another week, Damon'll break them up real quick," Matt placed twentyfive on the table.

"Cut Stefan a break, I say two monthes," Bonnie pulled out a twenty and placed that in the center. Everyone turned to Jeremy who seemed to be thinking.

"Month and a half," He put twentyfive in the center. Sure, it was a bit mean to be betting on when Ana and Stefan would break up but they had nothing better to do.

"May the best guesser win," Caroline smiled at her friends.

*** Thal's P.O.V.***

"I wish we didn't have to get up," Stefan whispered. I smirked and rolled onto him propping my elbows on his chest.

"You're so cliche," I joked and he rolled his eyes. 

"Any normal girl would have thought it was sweet," Stefan pouted resting his hands on the small of my back.

"Do you want me to be normal?" I raised an eyebrow, "I can do normal if that's what you want," Stefan shook his head smiling. 

"I like you how you are," He said, I rolled off of him and bounced once on the bed as I landed next to him.

"Did you hear what Caroline thinks about us?" I asked him quietly. He nodded rolling his eyes.

"Caroline has strong opinions," He stated emotionlessly. I rolled to my side and propped my head up with my elbow. He stayed staring at the ceiling not facing me. 

"Do you think she has reason though?" I asked him. He glanced at my out of the corner of his eye before looking back to the ceiling. 

"Do you?" His question was loaded and I knew it. He wanted to know if I was comfortable in our relationship and I couldn't tell him yet. I needed more time.

"I don't know, I just think it's weird that everyone sees us as siblings," I studied Stefan to see his reaction and finally he turned on his side to face me, mirroring my position. 

"I she does have reason, she hasn't seen us act like a couple and she thinks Elena and I should be together so she doesn't want me with anyone," He explained but I shook my head. He was so blind, Caroline didn't want him with ELena, she wanted him with her. But even she didn't realize that. "We should stay in today, I missed you yesterday and all that phsyco therapy left me wiped," I laughed and nodded.

"Staying in sounds good," I moved a piece of his hair from his face and it felt sticky. "Aw, babe, did you forget to washthe gel out of your hero hair last night?" I laughed as he sat up quickly and ran to the mirror. It was sticking up in different angles and I knew that today was going to be one of his rare bad hair days. I sat up and crossed my legs facing him. A smirked played across my lips as I watched him try to fix it. "You're going to have to wear a beanie today," I laughed, I could see Stefan glaring at me through the mirror because I wasn't helping. "At least we're staying in today," I laughed as he took out a comb and tried to separate his hair. The comb broke.

"You may need a beanie, we are going out today,"I turned to the door and saw Damon leaning in the frame his arrms crossed over his chest.I didn't need to cover myself because I was wearing one of Stefan's old t-shirts. "Get dressed beautiful you're coming to," He winked at me before he left the room. I scrunched up my nose, something was wrong with him. Stefan glared after him but I rann after him, something happened and I wanted to know what.


Here's your next sneak peak. I know there are a lot of errors because I didn't even read over it, it will be edited eventually. This scene was for all of you're Steliana shippers, don't say I never did anything for you. XD

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now