Killing my brother

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God I swear Klaus is doing this on purpose, I think as I walk into my first class. It's history and I walk in quietly. The class seems to grow silent as I walk in. The teacher looks up at me briefly and smiles.  

"Class this is Thaliana Mikaelson," she says and I smile at her to let her know she said it right. "Alright," she says looking around. "You can sit next to Matt," she says pointing to the empty desk next to a cute blonde boy with pale blue eyes. He smiles kindly as I walk up to my desk.  

"I'm Matt Donovan," he says extending his hand and I shake it not sure what to say because he already knows my name so I just smile at him. The teacher, whose name I forget, begins class and starts to talk about the 1800's. Perfect, this is just what I need, a crash course on my life.  

When lunch came around I was too afraid to go to my locker for fear of seeing Stefan again so I just went to the courtyard books and all. I walked up to a tree only to see Stefan sitting under it with Katerina. They were talking under the tree and laying on the grass like best friends. They fill me with anger and hurt, how could he talk to her? She ruined his life, and Damon's. Did he not care anymore? I turn and notice him look up at me. He whispers something to the girl and then runs up to me. I speed up my pace but don't run.  

"Ana, wait," he calls and I stop and turn to him smiling sweetly and falsely.  

"Yes, locker neighbor?" I say in a calm voice.  

"Drop the act Ana, I know who you are," he says and I tilt my head to the side.  

"What are you talking about?" I ask and he growls.  

"You died and you ruined my brothers life, so don't you dare try to lie to me," he grew angry and I glared at him clenching my fists.  

"I did not ruin his life, that bitch did," I say throwing my glare at Katerina sitting quietly under the tree. "I tried to save him pain, having myself killed was better then just disappearing and leaving him to wonder." I pause as my eyes start to water, "I have tried my hardest to keep the both of you alive for the past 149 years, the only way I could make that happen was to stay away from the both of you," Stefan looks at me coldly but as tears begin to flow down my face he softens. "Do you think that I wanted to leave him?" I ask, my voice rising and Stefan turns his head to the side. "I loved Damon, and I still love him, he is my everything, my world and if I have to not be selfish to keep him alive, then you better be damn sure that that's what I'm gonna do," said to him, "He is all that I've thought about for the last century, and I wish I could stop Stefan, but I can't." I say and wipe my eyes roughly, I hate crying in front of other people. It makes me look weak. Stefan sighs and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I lean into him shaking and he rests his chin on my head for a moment. Katerina walks over from where she was sitting under the tree and I pull away from Stefan.  

"Stefan, who is this?" she asks and I glare at her and try not to kill her in the middle of school grounds.  

"Like you don't know bitch," I say venomously and she steps back surprised. Stefan moves in front of her protectively and I turn away from him. "How can you even tolerate her with all that she's done?" I ask walking away from him. and Stefan calls my name but I walk away ignoring him.  

I find Matt sitting at a table with the blonde girl from earlier. He spots me and waves me over. I walk to him smiling as the blonde barbie glares at me.  

"Hey do you have anywhere to sit?" he asks and I shake my head, he scoots over and I sit next to him. "Guys, this is the new girl, Thaliana Mikaelson, we have history together," he says and I smile at the blonde girl and a depressed looking guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes.  

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now