The Vow

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Those of you that read the last chapter have read this first part already. Can you guess what my gift chapter will be about?

"Bekah! The zipper won't come up!" I shrieked. Rebekah ran over to me immediately. "I'm too fat to fit the dress!" I felt like crying. This was the worst thing that could possibly happen to me.

"Calm down Ana, it's just stuck, let me try," My sister pushed my hands away from the dress and pulled the zipper of my dress down. She then slowly pulled it back up and it reached the top easily. I gave a sigh of relief. "You are going to make yourself sick if you keep worrying like this," Rebekah shook her head. Her hands were resting on my shoulders and we both looked in the mirror at my dress. It was white, Nic had refused to let me wear a blue dress like I wanted. He said weddings were white therefore I had to wear a white dress.

"I think I'm already sick," I sighed. "I'm getting married Rebekah," I sighed again and turned to her. She smiled and we hugged.

"And for that I am happy," I turned to the new voice. "If not for you, Nic would never have let me out of the damned box," I gasped and ran up to my brother.

"Kol!" I shrieked, hugging him. He laughed and hugged me back.

"You're simply stunning Ana," He smiled, kissing my forehead. I laughed and pulled away from him pretending to be surprised.

"And you are wearing a suit!" I straightened his tie and he swatted at me.

"Well, it's not every day a sister of mine gets married," He smirked at me. I smiled and blushed. When I pulled away from him I jumped up and down a few times.

"Gosh, everything's shaking," My hands and stomach were tingling and I couldn't sit still.

"I swear, Thaliana Michaelson, if you sweat and ruin the master piece that is your head right now I will dagger you," Bekah put her hands on my shoulders and we took a couple of deep breaths together.

"You're being so supportive Bex, I'm proud of you," Kol patted her back.

"And I've never been more proud of her hair," Rebekah sighed and I rolled my eyes. Of course, she had done it and she wasn't about to let my premarital jitters get in the way of her cosmetology debut.

"There is way too much girl in here, I think I'll pay the groom a visit," Kol winked at me as my eyes widened.

"Please be careful with him!" I called after my brother. "He's fragile!" I called again. Kol waved his hand over his shoulder and I shook my head.

*** Damon's P.O.V. ***

My hands shook as I tied my tie. I took deep breaths but it didn't seem to calm my nerves. I cursed under my breath and pulled off my tie again.

"Let me," Stefan just finished with his tie and came up to me. I let him tie the knot and I tightened it once he had finished.

"My sister looks beautiful today," I frowned turning around to see a man with unevenly cropped hair standing in the doorway. I didn't know who he was, but by his statement I knew this was a test.

"She looks beautiful every day, but I can only imagine that her glow has magnified at the sound of the wedding bells," I responded. The man in the door tilted his chin up and looked me once over before nodding.

"Yes, one can only imagine," He said. "She has never loved before, you know this don't you?" He asked as he walked into the room. I glanced at Stefan; I still didn't know this man's name. Thal had three brothers that I hadn't met and I didn't want to take a guess at who this one was.

"I did not know that," I responded to him. I turned to the chair and shrugged on my suit coat, buttoning the middle button.

"They say the first love is the strongest, because the lovers have no idea what it feels like to be hurt by something so wonderful. They open themselves fully," The man paused as he wandered around the room. "The first time always hurts the most as well," He looked up at me, his eyes holding mischief and a wild animalistic glow. "But my sister has no need to worry about that right?" He asked. I glanced at my brother.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now