Saving Stefan II

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“So, try not to be mad at me,” I trailed off when I heard Stefan groan. Yes, I was in the safe with him, and yes it was a stupid idea considering I was still weak and he could seriously hurt me, but if it would help Stefan, then I would do it. Stefan blinked a couple of times and turned his head to see the top of the safe, causing him to groan again. I guess he hadn’t noticed me yet. “I got in here when you were unconscious, and then Caroline locked us inside. It was the only way,” Stefan finally noticed me, but his reaction was a bit panicked. His eyes widened and he began to hit the top of the safe frantically.

“Let me out of here! Caroline!” He yelled, Caroline’s voice came back a bit muffled.

“I know it's a little extreme, but the baby steps approach wasn't working,” Stefan closed his eyes and started mumbling to himself.

“See? That's why I need you not to get mad at me because when you get mad, you get anxious and violent and you rip people's heads off, and I’m so weak that that may actually kill me,” I knew for a fact that that would kill me, but I didn’t want to panic him too much. I guess it didn’t matter anyways because he ignored me and kept banging against the safe to open it.

“Caroline, get me out of here before I hurt her!” He yelled. His heart beat was picking up

“That's the whole point, Stefan. You need to get over your PSTD triggers, okay? Or else you will kill me,” I was laying on my shoulder in a very uncomfortable position so I could face him.

“You're risking your life,” Stefan breathed heavily, but I smiled slightly.

“I know, I’m such a hero aren’t I?” I laughed sarcastically.

“I can't be in here. Please,” Stefan pleaded with me, but I had to remain calm. It was like dealing with a dog. If I panicked, he would panic.

“You're Stefan Salvatore. Suck it up,” I whispered in his ear. Tough love was going to have to be my way of getting through to him. I couldn’t stand to see him in the amount of pain he was in now, but the only way to stop it was to endure it.

“No, no, no,” Stefan shook his head, his voice incoherent.

“How's it going in there?” Caroline’s cheerful voice came through sounding a bit muffled. It had been a good ten minutes of Stefan mumbling to himself.

“I feel-- I feel-- I feel like I'm dying,” Stefan groan breathing heavily. Alright, I was about to go Katherine on him because that was the only way to help him. I took a deep breath because not only would this be hard for him to hear, but for me to say as well.

“So I've been using this time to think. I think there is actually a little bit of truth to this doppelgänger prophecy. I think you're still in love with Elena. I think you're miserable over the fact that she chose Damon over you” I flicked Stefan’s chest. “And that you wanna get out of this one-horse town and as far away from their happiness as possible, and yet somehow, you keep finding excuses to stay in Mystic Falls. I think I'm just that latest excuse,” My airway was immediately cut off as Stefan wrapped his hands around my neck. Crap. Maybe I went too far.

“I'm going to kill you,” Stefan growled.

“Good. Yeah. Get it all out, Stefan. I think this is healthy,” I gasped for air, I was starting to feel light headed. Stefan tightened his grip. “Although don't forget you loved me before you hated me,” I managed to get out.

“Any reason why you chose to have this conversation with me locked in a safe?” He asked, if I wasn’t supernatural I would be dead by now.

“Yes! So that I can show you that the safe isn't the problem,”

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now