Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction)

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Damon had looked at me with kind eyes the first time we met. He didn't want to kill me I could tell. I am so happy that he hadn't tried, I would have had to kill him and our story would have never begun; he just stared at me, hurt glistening in his fathomless blue eyes.

"Miss, you need to run, before someone comes and sees you," he had said quietly. I had shaken my head no. "The other soldiers won't be as nice as I am," he warned.

"Sir I have no where to go. I'm only visiting here from Virginia," I heard his heart skip a beat and I knew I could get him to help me. "Now that the trains are all shut down so the confederate soldiers can use them I have nowhere to go and no way of getting home." I had said, this was true, the trains were shut down for confederate soldiers and I remember his heart skipping again.

"By where do you live?" He asked and I had smiled secretly knowing he would help me.

"It's a side town just out of Mystic Falls," I told him making my eyes wide and innocent. He had nodded in surprise looking at me with shock.

"I live in Mystic Falls" He said and I smiled at him knowingly, having read through his mind just before I saw him. He pondered helping me and I saw his electric blue eyes shift searching mine. "If I help you, will I regret it?" he asked me and I quickly shook my head conveying absolute innocence.

Then, at that moment, Damon did something that he hasn't done in the past hundred years. He let himself trust a perfect stranger.

My name is Thaliana Mikaelson, among other things I am Damon Salvatore's fiancée, from 1863 to the beginning of 1864. I can tell you my story now because I know that I will lose the confidence and words to say it out loud especially to the one who needs to know this story the most. I will give him this when the time is right, then I will let him remember our epic, but tragic love story. Maybe he won't be too mad at me for my cowardice.

It started on a raid by the confederate army on a small town in Georgia that was occupied by the union soldiers. They were given orders to kill everyone and everything, to wipe the town and all of it's people off of the map. They succeeded in killing everyone but me. I was there on official business about the whereabouts of my father. Once the man I was looking for had told me where he was I had killed him. The murder was covered up by the Confederate soldiers. I left through the back door of the building and was almost out of town when Damon found me.

He took me in to the camp claiming that I was a friend from his town and I had just gotten caught in the crossfire on my way home from visiting relatives. I smiled and nodded like he would want me to, the men there were kind to me and very chivalrous letting me stay in my own tent, I ended up not speaking to Damon much until a few days later.

He had just finished bathing and was shaving in the river when I happened upon him. He had looked up at me startled and hastily pulled on his shirt rinsing off his face in the river.

"Sorry miss," he had said, I held my hand up looking away to give him privacy.

"I am at fault Mr. Salvatore, I should have called out," I turned around and looked into the trees. "I was actually wishing to swim but now I see that I should not swim by myself, maybe I aught to go back to the camp." I sighed but Damon grabbed my arm gently from behind me.

"I will swim with you Miss Mikaelson," he said and I turned to him reluctant.

"Oh but Mr. Salvatore you have just taken your bath and would have to start the process over again. No that's quite alright I will swim in the morning," I resumed my walk back to the camp.

"Well then hold on for a moment and let me grab my things," He let go of my arm and ran back to the river to hastily pack things into his sack. I waited patiently for a moment before he was back at my side again. "It's dangerous for a young woman to be out here by herself." You don't know how much I know that. I thought to myself.

We were almost back at the camp when Damon and I stopped at the same time.

"There's something that I must say," we spoke together, I giggled and told him to speak first.

"I'm not quite sure how to say this but I feel very strongly for you and I'm not sure what to make of it," I stared at him wide eyed, I had never expected to hear these words spoken to me in all the years I had lived. "Please say something to me Miss Mikaelson," he eyes were innocent and pleading, tears welled up in my eyes and I smiled at him.

"Your words have brightened my day as I have felt the same way for you," I had told him happily, I remember hearing his heart skip a beat and he had audibly let out a sigh of relief.

"Well then I hope your father will not mind my calling on you?" he had asked being the perfect gentleman. I had smiled at him sadly,

"I only wish my father could be here to see me as happy as I am now," the corner of my mouth lifted slightly but I let my sadness shine through my eyes.

"I had no idea, I am sorry for your loss Miss. Mikaelson," he bowed slightly but I just shook my head at him. I was not sorry for the loss of my father, though it was best to let him reach his own conclusions than to correct him.

"It was long ago, I hardly remember him now," Damon had nodded at me then offered me his arm. I had gladly taken it and let him escort me into camp.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now