Three is a Crowd

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 Enzo and I decided that because we couldn’t get anyone else to spill on the whereabouts of Wes, we would pay his nephew a little visit. We followed him as he walked ever so slowly from Elena’s dorm to his. He had just told Caroline that he had ‘taken care of’ Wes and for that to be true it meant Aaron knew the exact location of his uncle. He unlocked the door to his dorm and slipped into it. I smirked at and Enzo and reached out to stop the door from closing. I opened it a bit more and walked into his dorm with Enzo trailing behind me.

“Aaron Witmore....” I let my smile crinkle the corner of my eyes, which turned red as I spoke. “Just the man I've been looking for,” Aaron froze, staring wide eyed as Enzo swung the door shut with a click.

“Enzo, and Stefan’s girlfriend?” He hesitated before acknowledging me, obviously unsure of what to refer to me as. Enzo grimaced.

“You best respect her mate, she’s very temperamental,” Enzo took a few steps forward so that he was next to me.

“We’re going to need you to come with us,” I sounded as if I was a police officer, even though I was anything but.

“I don’t think so,” Aaron backed away from us as Enzo took a step forward.

“I’m sorry, you must have thought her voice left room for reason,” Enzo snarled. “It doesn’t,” Enzo lunged at Aaron’s neck attacking him quickly. Just after Aaron became unconscious Enzo pulled away. I pulled out the bag we had brought from the car and Enzo helped me slide Aaron into it. We quickly hauled him into the car and laid him across the back seat. I got into the passenger side and Enzo got behind the wheel.

“Are you sure you know how to drive?” I asked tentatively. I didn’t feel up to being in a wreck any time soon. Without Quesiyah’s added strength I wasn’t healing as fast as I used to.

“I read a book while you were playing at the Salvatore’s,” His statement did little to reassure me.

“I was not playing at the Salvatore’s and I’m not sure you can use books to teach you how to drive,” I held onto the side door as Enzo tapped on the gas pedal. We pulled out of the school smoothly.

Once we reached the border of Mystic Falls I sighed. I knew where he was going, and I knew he was going to do this but I had silently wished I was wrong. I knew I wasn’t when Enzo pulled into the drive of the boarding house.

I then helped Enzo take Aaron’s body into the parlor. We dropped him by the foot of the couch and I collapsed onto the couch.

“I thought I would be able to stay away from this place if we hung out,” I whined. Yes whined, I know my teenager was showing. I couldn’t help it though, I was trying to forget about Damon and Stefan and this whole town really. But no matter what I did I was always drawn back for some reason or other.

“You and I both know you could never stay away from this place,” Enzo stated absentmindedly as he browsed around the room gazing at book titles. “It has a piece of your soul and once something has your soul,” He turned to me with sad eyes. “There’s no ignoring it,” The room was silent for a few moments as Enzo and I stared at each other. Then, we both burst into laughter.

“God, that was too deep,” I almost snorted I was laughing so hard. “You sound like someone from a soap opera,” I wiped tears from my eyes and Enzo smirked. He went over to the fireplace and began to work on lighting a fire.

“I don’t even know what I said,” He laughed. We laughed and talked for a few more minutes as he got the fire going. We both then got quiet as we heard the sound of a car engine getting louder. By the sound of it it was Damon’s Camaro. Enzo crossed the room and sat next to me on the couch. I crossed my arms over my chest and slid down the seat, slouching. I heard Damon unlock the door and throw his keys somewhere before he came farther into the house and spotted us.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now