Locked in prison

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Important! This chapter contains spoilers from TVD Season 5 episode 1. If you haven't seen that episode...unless you don't care.

****Please read the second paragraph of A/N at the end.****

***3rd Person***

"If Katherine ingesting the only cure on this earth and having to live as a human isn't justice, I don't know what is" Elena sat in Damon's bathtub reading the massage from Bonnie out loud to Damon as he dried off. She stopped reading out loud and concentrated on the last part. "I miss you guys. I'm glad you're having a great summer. P.S. Have you heard from Stefan?" Elena frowned thinking about the question.

"You okay?" He asked, "Why did you stop?" he stopped drying off and wrapped the towel around his waist.

"Yeah, I've just got this weird feeling like something bad's about to happen." She didn't want to tell Damon but she been having strong feelings that Stefan hadn't just left.

"Well, it is. You're leaving tomorrow. You're trading all this for communal showers and a meal plan," he motioned around himself and Elena smirked. To admit the truth Damon has been having the same feelings as Elena but not about his brother. No all summer he had been worried about a certain red head. Just as Elena he had been hesitant about sharing his feelings.

"Can't you just be a normal boyfriend and support me as I attempt to have a normal college experience?" She whined playfully.

"I'd rather ply you with champagne and spend the night convincing you to stay," Elena giggled as Damon leaned in to kiss her. He paused getting up before walking or of the room. Their summer with each other had between epic, there was just something missing. Neither could put their finger on it but there seemed to be a hole in their relationship. Something they just couldn't seem to find, in each other. Something they had both had with other people.

Elena picked up her phone from the site of the tub and turned it on scrolling over Stefan's contact before putting her phone away and something herself into the soapy water.

A few minutes later Elena was in the living room rehearsing Jeremy's cover story with him.

"There were issues at home. Ever since I lost my parents, my aunt, I've been acting out... drugs, drinking. I was looking for attention, so I lit my house on fire and faked my own death," he sighed obviously annoyed. Not only was a ghost Bonnie making him send fake Emails and texts and emails to Elena and Caroline, but now his sister was making him go back to school after he was technically dead.

"Really stress the drug thing. And I'd definitely say that the fire was an accident, because there's crazy, and then there's... well, me," Elena tried to perfect the cover story but Jeremy wasn't into it.

"Or I could just not go back, considering my school already had a memorial for me," Jeremy tried to reason with his sister but a car horn sounded from outside and Damon walked downstairs with her bags.

"Caroline just pulled up," Damon said placing Elena's bags down gently. 

"I-I can't leave. I should stay and at least wait until Jeremy settles in to school-" Damon cut her off with his hand.

"You're leaving. You're going to college. You're gonna drink cheap beer and you're gonna protest things you don't care about. And I am gonna take care of your little brother. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about," Damon lied, of course there was stuff to worry about. Stefan and Thal were gone all summer and he couldn't shake the feeling that Thal wasn't ok. Silas was still around somewhere out for blood, and Jeremy was under my care. As if I didn't have enough to worry about, but Elena didn't need to know that. She needed to live a normal life. At least one as close to normal as she could get. Elena sighed believing him.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now