The Switch

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***Third Person P.O.V.***

Elena and Damon were cuddling on the couch in the living room of the boarding house, with a fire providing warmth for them. Thal was upstairs with Jeremy trying extremely hard not to listen to their conversation. She was failing.

“This is nice,” Elena said adjusting herself in Damon’s arms.

“It is nice,” Damon agreed and Thal cringed.

“You shouldn’t listen to them, it makes you sad,” Jeremy grumbled from under his sheets. Thal was sitting on his bed next to him as he tried to get some extra sleep. Thal leaned against the headboard and drew her knees up to her chest.

“I know, but I can’t help it,” She said. It had been a few days since her talk with Rick and she felt like he couldn’t be further from the truth. “Every time I hear them I just think about how that used to be me,” Thal sighed and Jeremy turned onto his side, propping his head up with his hand. He grabbed her hand with his and even though she couldn’t feel it, it was comforting.

“Why couldn’t I just be in love with you?” She asked and Jeremy smirked sitting up fully, the sheets fell away to reveal his bare chest.

“That would make things too easy,” He chuckled and began to play with her fingers.

“Silas is downstairs,” She said quietly, listening to the exchange below them. Jeremy shrugged. “Did you and Bonnie come to an agreement?”  I asked quietly. Jeremy nodded.

“She’s ok with it,” He then gave me a sad look. “But I wish we could save both of you,” He squeezed my hand and I smiled.

“I’m not technically dead, it’s just a power struggle between myself and the person who is using my body,” Jeremy’s eyes widened.

“Who is using your body?” He asked excitedly. I shook my head.

“I can’t tell you,” He dropped my hand and faced me fully. “It’s too dangerous, she’s been able to hurt my brothers, and they’re originals. She could kill you,” I said. Jeremy grimaced and sighed.

I stayed there talking to Jeremy for the rest of the day. At one point he went to the grill to eat, and it was a Saturday so he didn’t have to worry about school. When we got back to the house we found it full of people. My eyes widened when I saw, not one, two, but three Elena doppelgangers. Elena, Katherine, and a girl that I didn’t know.

“What the hell?” I turned to Jeremy and he shook his head.

“Is it bad that I can’t tell which one is my sister?” he whispered and I nodded slowly.

“Oh, look who it is,” I turned quickly to see Quetsiyah smirking at me.

“Who is she talking to?” Damon asked walking into the room.

“Ana,” Damon’s eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything. Elena was in the room and he couldn’t show what he felt. Quetsiyah smiled at me. Stefan came from around the corner.

“Ana’s here?” He asked looking around.

“Look who has their memories back,” Jeremy smiled at him trying to skip over the subject. I supposed they hadn’t told him about me yet.

“Where’s Ana?” He asked again. Ignoring Jeremy.

“She’s dead Stefan,” Damon said bluntly. Stefan shook his head.

“Is that what you chose to tell them?” Questiyah smirked and shook her head.

“What is she talking about?” Damon asked, a bit too quickly. Elena shot him a confused glance. Jeremy turned to me expecting me to answer, or at least give him permission to. “Tell me, Jeremy make her talk,”

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now