Hunters, threats, and accidental Sex

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I woke to the sound of a key turning at the front door and realized I just pulled a Goldilocks. I was about to get up and run when I realized I didn't have my clothes. They ripped when I transitioned in school. I quickly wrapped the blanket around my body and tried to think of what to do when I heard the voices.

"I'm not inviting you in Klaus," A younger boy said and I heard a sarcastic voice talking back.

"Sorry Wolfie, no mutts in the house," Damon said, I heard happiness in his voice but I didn't have time to react. If I wanted to get out of here without a big confrontation I needed to get out while my brother was still here. I stood up as I heard Nic growl lowly. I wrapped the blanket around myself tightly and tiptoe over to the door trying not to make any sounds.

"um, s'cuse me," I said and the three boys turn around surprised.

"Seriously Damon? Here," a tall buff dark haired one says and I blushed sending the wrong signal.

"Ana?" Nic said from the outside and I quickly pushed my way past the boys and then out the door. "Ana, where are your clothes?" I kept my eyes downcast and away.

"Gone," I say and the anger grows in his eyes as he looked at the boys then he zeroed in on Damon. "No, Nic, it's not what you think!" I said putting a hand on his chest and holding him back while keeping the blanket up with my other hand.

"The hell it isn't," he said charging the door, and it's a good thing that the dark haired boy didn't invite him in because that would have been the end of Damon Salvatore. "You have hurt her once and I swear to god, if you hurt my sister again I will personally rip you bloody heart out and make Elena watch as I force Stephan to eat it," he said bearing his teeth," Damon remained cool but I knew that on the inside he was severely confused. And I wouldn't blame him.

"Come Nic, nothing happened, I will explain it to you let's just leave before you embarrass me anymore," I said pulling at his arm. He reluctantly backed away from the door and turned towards me.

"Fine, then you have some explaining to do," he muttered and he took off.

"Thank you for not getting hostile," I said bowing a bit still holding the blanket, then I took off after Nic. I left them to their confusion. I followed Nick's trail to another small cottage and by the ax and pile of wood a assume he made it recently. I headr him pacing and ran inside. As I walked in he punched a wall. "Nic, I changed before I got here," I said and he paused and looked at me.

"Why?" he asks drawing closer. I clutched the blanket tightly to my body and took a deep breath.

"Rebekah was trying to hurt the others and made Tyler turn and go after them, so I turned and forced Tyler to turn back. But then I smelled blood and felt the wolf try to take over so I went to find you," I said quickly. "That's how I got to the house," I said looking away. Nic sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder briefly but then it dropped.

"Rebekah is back huh?" he said and I nodded.

"And Kol, but neither of them recognized me," I said and Nic nods.

"I compelled them, it was safer that way," he said referring on how mother had tried to kill all the original children not too long ago. I had been in the Andes. "She will be looking for the cure which means we need to grow the Gilbert kids mark." he said and I tilted my head to him confused.

"His mark is only visible to hunters and it is a map to the cure, the more vampires he kills the more the mark grows and the closer we get to the cure," Nic said but then he paused, "I tried to give him a bar full of vampires to kill last night but he almost got himself killed," Nic said, "He needs to train more," Nic paused and looked at me "And I know the perfect person to train him," he smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now