Finding the Cure

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*** Damon's P.O.V.***

She ran so fast that even I couldn't see her leave. I could swear I heard her choking back sobs. I had to resist the urge to chase after her and make her feel better. Dammit, I feel so whipped and I can't even remember why. I walk up the stairs and into the living room and grab a glass of bourbon. I hear Stefan follow me and stand in the doorway. I can sense his smugness oozing off of him.

"And I thought I was the dick," I say and he chuckles darkly. I turn to him and drop into the couch barely managing to not spill my drink.

"It's not like she didn't deserve it," He says. He pushes himself off the wall and starts to walk over to my bottle of bourbon. I set my drink down, get off the couch, grab the bottle and sit back down in a matter of seconds.

"Get your own, dick," I growl and he glares at me. We stay in our pissing match for a minute or two and then the bell rings. I stand up and down my glass setting it on the table before going to answer the door. Fuck the glass, I'll just drink from the bottle. I open the door and smile and the people in front of me.

"Redbird," I say acknowledging the witch and she rolls her eyes and walks in pushing past me

"That was one time Damon," She mumbles and he smirks at her as she walks into the living room. I turn back to the door and Gilbert pushes his way past me without saying anything. I roll my eyes at him then smile as Elena waits outside. I walk out with her and close the door behind us. We walk out to the driveway, trying to get out of hearing distance for Stephan. I don't need him pestering me about my god damned humanity.

"Damon, what happened this morning?" She asks and I shake my head. She looks at me with pleading eyes and I turn away from her. "What do you mean you don't know?" She asks, she places a hand on my shoulder and tries to look me in the eyes but I don't let her.

"Elena, Stephan says that I'm sired to her," I mutter and her after a minute her hand falls from my arm. I look up at her, confusion is shining in her eyes.

"How? you were changed by Katherine," She says and I starts shaking my head before she even finishes.

"Katherine left me to die, she only changed Stephan," I look into her horror filled eyes.

"Why would she save you?" She asks and I cant hold her gaze any longer. I look up at the clouds and sigh. "Damon, why?" she asks and I close my eyes.

"Stephan says that we were in love," I whisper, I keep my eyes closed and she doesn't say anything.

"What do you mean, 'Stephan says'?" She asks and I open my eyes and look at her. "What do you say?" she asks me and I tilt my head to the sun. "Damon, don't do this, don't block me out," She says and I shake my head.

"I'm not blocking you out, I just don't know," I say, I feel the burning need to resort to sarcasm, but I don't, it will only make things worse.

"What do you mean you don't know?" She asks and I run a hand through my hair frustratedly.

"She made my forget her, I don't remember anything about her, just that I love her," I say and Elena's eyes widen and I freeze.

"You love her?" She asks my and I shake my head hurriedly and try and walk to her to embrace her but she backs away. "As in present tense?" She asks her voice breaking.

"No, I meant to say loved, I loved her," I say and she shakes her head again and begins to walk back towards the house, tears threatening to spill over. "Elena," I call reaching out to her, but she shakes her head.

"You said present tense for a reason Damon, and until you find that reason out we should take a break," She says, then she turns back to the house and is inside before I blink.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now