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A/N  Hey, everyone I am looking for a co- author to one of my stories, more information is at the bottom.


When I come to Damon is sitting across from me also unconscious. I curse and my magic flares, when it does pain shoots through my body and I let out a cry of dismay. My magic backfired and used itself on me. I look down and see branches of witch hazel soaked in vervain and wolfsbane wrapped around my hands and feet. I try to pull out of it but pain shoots through me again. I let out another cry. Whoever captured me knows more about me than most people should. I look over to Damon, he is just within distance for me to kick him and maybe he will come awake. I reach out my foot and nudge his leg. He groans but doesn't get up. I nudge him again and this time his eyes flash open and he angrily looks around. His eyes land on me and they flash with confusion.

"Where's Jeremy?" he asks still looking around. I tilt my head to the side and raise my eyebrows.

"With the group I guess, I've been here since last night, or however long I was knocked out," I say. He gazes into my eyes a second then sighs.

"We thought you took him," He mumbles and my eyes widen.

"Someone's taken Jeremy?!" My magic spikes and I cry out in pain. Dammit, I need to control my powers. Damon gives me a look and I think to try and explain it to him. "The plant is witch hazel, it is virtually unbreakable once soaked in vervain. It takes my powers and redirects them back at me. I have a hard time controlling my powers and it flares with my feelings," I try and pull against the ropes but the vervain singes my skin making me wince.

"Then shut them off," he says, I shake my head and relax my hands on my lap.

"If I flip off my emotions then I will lose control. My powers will take over and I will hurt a lot of people, especially you," I whisper the last part hoping he won't hear. He does, of course and he gazes at me for the longest time before turning away.

"What are you talking about?" he asks, his eyes are locked on mine and I tell him the truth.

"When I flip off my emotions, it's not like most vampires, I have this other me that resurfaces. She likes to ruin my life and she is rutheless. She kills those I love, starting with the ones I love the most and moving to my acquaintances if she is allowed to get that far. The last time she was out was five hundred years ago when she almost killed Nick. I know for a fact that if I let her out now, you would be her first target,"

"So what Stephen said was true then?" he asks and I nod looking at my legs.

"It was too dangerous for you to be with me, I had my stepfather, the hunters, and my mother after me and I couldn't protect you from any of them," I shift uncomfortably, but don't look up.

"Then what's holding you back now?" he asks, I lift my gaze up to meet his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm scared," I whisper. "Scared that if i give you your memory back, you won't love the person I've become. And that I would lose you forever," I finally look up and have to choke back tears, his eyes hold such a sadness in them, he has been through much more than I would ever wish on anyone, much less someone I love. I hear hands clapping from a ways away and I see our abductor walking across the clearing.

"That was beautiful, honestly the most wonderful thing I've ever seen. Brought tears to my eyes," he taunts us making my magic flare. I cry out in pain again and Damon throws a worried glance my way. "Don't you just love witch hazel, saves me the hassle of killing that part of you, you'll just kill it yourself," he laughs stomping on the fire. It fizzles out and I glare at him trying desperately to keep my magic in check. He sees me struggling and laughs. "Oh, you don't have that much self control lass, no one does," he smiles at me. He picks up a rope and ties it around Damon's neck. He cries out as it singes his skin. I fight my reaction so much but I eventually give in. Pain racks through my body and I pant as I slump to the ground. "Don't worry lass, I won't hurt him... that much," he pulls the rope tightly around Damon's neck and the smell of burning flesh fills my nose. He then ties Damon's hands farther down on the rope so that he has to hold his hands up so as not to hurt his neck. He walks up to me and pulls a syringe out of his pocket. "Even if you're tied up, just keeping you mobilized is dangerous. It's gonna hurt," he plunges the syringe into my neck and I scream. Tears flow freely down my cheeks as my magic tries to fight off the liquids but is turned on me. I hear laughing from above me as the man pulls out the syringe.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now