Halloween Fall Ball

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Chapter 5

I entered the brightly lit Gym that smelled surprisingly good for a gym; they must've worked hard to make it this good. Ok! Now to find Sasuke. Ahh how am I going to do that? He never told me what he was going to wear, I’m doomed.

"I was wondering when you would come" a voice said behind me. I turned around startled and threw a fist at the person's face but they caught it and I saw it was Sasuke. I sighed and he let go of my fist.

"Yo bro-bro! Wow that’s getting lame isn’t it?" I said, and gave him a hug, and surprisingly he hugged back, but barely.

I smiled and asked, "so where are the others?” I scanned the room seeing people in different kinds of outfits. I then spotted Kiba in a vampire costume; I smirked and went behind him.

"Kibbles" I said quietly in a creepy ghost like way.

"What?" he asked turning around. "Akira??" he asked.

"Who do you think?" I said smiling.

"I knew you would come!!" he said.

"Well aren’t you gonna give me a hug??" I asked with puppy dog eyes, arms stretched out, he blushed bright pink and tossed his arms around me, and I immediately hugged back.

"Come on I wana go see the others" I said pulling on his arm when we both let go of the hug. I pulled him to where the others were, and what I saw was utterly disgusting, just plain....I don’t even have a word for it, oh wait I found it, sakura and Ino. I made a gagging noise and they turned glaring at me, while I pretended to be scared and hid behind Kiba.

"Eek save me kibbles! Just kidding" I peeked and saw them smirking. "Hey sasu!" I said Sasuke he waved.

"Aki-chan! I knew you would come!" said naruto from somewhere in the gym, and before I knew it I was pulled into a breath taking hug, literally.

I heard a quiet "naruto-kun" but only barely, I managed to choke out a "naruto...I can’t breathe" he quickly let go scratching his head nervously.

"what is she doing here?" the fangirls asked outraged, probably cause I got Sasuke to wave at me, and they’ve been trying and still haven’t got him to wave at them.

Pinky came up to me and grabbed my collar, whispering 'menacingly', or so she thought. "Now listen up, I don’t know why you’re here but you better stay away from my Sasuke-kun, you got that?!" she said and let go of my collar, I sighed.

"How many times do I have to tell you, that’s physically impossible" I said shrugging.

"And why is that" she asked.

"One, don’t start sentences with 'and'..." I started and she scoffed. "2, I don’t want to, and three, he’s my brother, so therefore I can’t" I said and looked at Sasuke who was smirking.

They looked at Sasuke to see if I was lying but he nodded, their eyes grew wide and they stared back and forth.

I sighed again. "Haven’t you ever wondered what my last name was?" I asked, and scanned the room for what I had heard before, and after not finding it I realized something.

"Hey where's Shika?" I asked, Sasuke pointed to a sleeping Shika next to him, I smirked and went over to him, he was lightly snoring, I went close to his ear and screamed. He shot up and covered his ear, then he noticed the source of the noise, me; I was too busy laughing my ass off to notice his glaring at me.

"Akira, that’s not funny, you could’ve made me deaf, troublesome woman" he said obviously aggravated.

"Alright, alright" I said standing up. "Oi kibbles--" I started but got interrupted by none other than Temari.

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