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Chapter 24




Why the hell is my alarm going off?! oh shit! school!

yet my body did not move, I just lay there staring at the colorful ceiling above me.

Did all that really happen?

I asked myself as I remembered the events from the night before.


I turned as I heard the sirens of an ambulance, and looked out the window to see what looked like Akira getting strapped to one of those beds, you know the one that the ambulance strap injured people in? Yea those.

She was all bloody and her kimono was ripped in random places.

I rubbed my eyes thinking I was seeing things, but unfortunately it wasn’t so.

My eyes widened and I dashed out the door, I heard people calling me but I ignored them and went outside, I saw Kiba getting in sadly and his little girlfriend glaring at the back of the ambulance as it drove away.

Tears streamed down my face, and I began trembling, my best friend could be dead! DEAD! For crying out loud!

Suddenly I feel Sasuke’s arms around me, I turn around and cry into his chest, he rubs my back letting me cry freely without saying anything.

I don’t know how long I cried but before I knew it, we were in James’s limo, we arrived at the Konoha hospital and met up with Kiba, Hinata was about to cry, and Temari looked sad.

I don’t really know what happened or how she got injured, all I know is she’s injured enough to need an ambulance and that’s always bad.

We sat down and the doctor came a few minutes later.

He sighed, "I have some bad news" my heart sunk, low, a little too low.

"No good news?!" I whined, I started crying again. The doctor sighed again and shook his head no.

"what’s the bad news?" Shikamaru asked.

does he even feel sad?!

the doctor sighed again! and spoke, "She's in a coma" the room went silent.

"you’re kidding right?! I mean this must be a joke!" I said breaking the frightening silence. the doctor looked sad.

"we tried all we could but to no avail" he said looking down.

my shoulder started shaking uncontrollably.

This was no joke.

More tears rolled down my face as Sasuke hugged me, it was pretty obvious he was sad too, I mean this is his twin! he probably feels sadder than me right now.

I cried into his chest again as he once again stayed quiet.

"can we see her?" I heard Kiba ask, I sat up and wiped my eyes, there was a huge wet spot on Sasuke shirt now, not like he minded; this is a sad situation!

"of course" the doctor said and motioned for us to follow, we came to a room, he opened the door and we walked inside, and there on a small bed was Akira, as pale as pale can be. she had a heart monitor, an IV in her arm and some other things.

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