Spirit Week: Day 4

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Thursday: Ninja Day


I really shouldn’t have pulled an all-nighter, doing absolutely nothing. I feel like I'm gonna faint.

I headed to class anyway planning to fall asleep, so Eiko and I walked sluggishly to the ninth grade hallway where we had our first period class, TA. The teachers really nice, meaning I don’t have to do anything.

So anyway, I walk into class; they greeted me as usual, they were all dressed as ninjas, as was I.

I smiled at them and sat down at the TA desk by the teacher’s desk. I immediately rested my head on the desk, trying to fall asleep with all the useless chatter in the room.

A few minutes into my nonexistent sleep, I felt something thin a sharp poking me. I gritted my teeth and looked up to see a guy I didn’t know holding a yellow piece of paper. He handed it to me, and walked off, looking back, probably expecting me to follow him.

I sighed and got up slowly, taking my time, which, by the look on his face, was annoying him. Ha!

After much waiting on his side, we finally reached the front office where Tsunade-sama was waiting for me for something I most likely would not care about at this specific moment.

Anyway, I entered her office after knocking and such. I saw a blonde haired blue eyed girl sitting in one of the many chairs in Tsunade’s office.

That combination is too basic.

“Akira, meet Kayla, she’s a new student, and I expect you to show her around school” she says motioning to the girl, who stands up, smiling.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

“Nice to meet you” she says a little too cheerfully.

“Hn” I said and walked out with her following closely behind.


“OMG, are you new??” asks Eiko coming out of first period. Me, Eiko and Kayla were walking to our second period class, English 3.

“Yea, I am, and you are?” she asks still cheerful.

“Chizami Eiko, nice to meet you!!” she says and they shake hands. But as expected, Eiko pulled her into a hug.

“What class do you have now?” Eiko asks after she let Kayla go.

“English 3” she said and handed Eiko her schedule.

“Omg, same here! Go you!!” Eiko says

They then link arms and skip to class. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but they had to bring me with them. I just sigh and follow them deciding not to skip.

“C’mon, Akira, at least have some fun” says Eiko stopping in mid-skip.

I just roll my eyes at her, as Kayla watches.


“God I hate Chemistry” Eiko mutters as she enters the café with us in tow, us being me, Kayla, Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, Hinata, and Naruto.

“Same here, all we do is take notes” says Kayla. I yawned.

“Of course you wouldn’t know” says Eiko looking at me.

I gave her a weird look, “what?”

“She’s taking Physics” Explains Eiko to Kayla.

“Really? You must be really smart” she says smiling.

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