Hamasaki Daisuke

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Chapter 45


I sat down on one of the many swings at the park, and wiped my tears.

“Need a push?” I jumped and turned around.

A well-built guy with orange hair grinned at me.

“Do I know you?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t know; do you?” he asked sitting down on the swing next to mine.

He suddenly started laughing; I looked up at him, surprised.

He held out his hand for me to shake, “I’m Hamasaki Daisuke” I reluctantly shook his hand, can I really trust this guy.

“Uchiha Akira” I said, he smiled.

“I know” I raised an eyebrow.

He knows?! Oh wait everyone knows my name.


Note the sarcasm.

“You know, you have very shiny eyes” he stated, I looked at his serious face

“Doesn’t everyone?” I said staring at the slowly moving clouds, and trees waving from side to side from the wind.

“Yes, but, yours are…shinier, much shinier” he said quietly, I looked at him but he was looking up at the sky.

“Why is that?” he asks looking back at me.

I hesitated, “…it happens when I… cry” I said looking at my feet, covered by my boots.

He was quiet for a while, “well, why were you crying?” I started rocking back and forth on the swing a few times

“It’s a long story”

He smirks, “I have time”


“And you didn’t go after her, what is wrong with you?!” I screeched glaring at Kiba.

“She called me a man-whore, Eiko” he glared back, my eye twitched.

“So?! She’s probably just mad! She doesn’t think when she’s mad!!” I was pacing while he was just sitting on the steps, with his left hand to his cheek.

“I’ll leave her to cool down, then” he said as I scoffed, and walked back inside slamming the door in the process.

Stupid Kiba.

“What’s wrong” Sasuke asked as I sat down on the couch.

“Kiba and Akira, that’s what” I said and covered my face with my hands, “they’re meant for each other, yet they just ignore it!” I said frustrated, he sighed and wrapped his arm around me,

“You gotta let them figure it out for themselves” he said softly, his hand moved my head to rest on his shoulder.

“I guess, thanks Sasuke” I said kissing his cheek, he just smirked.


I sighed and got up, got in my car and headed home.

“Kiba! You’re home early” said Hana as I walked in.

“Yeah” I murmured walking swiftly up the stairs and into my room.

I slumped on my bed, just staring at the ceiling.

Akamaru was asleep so I had no one to talk to.

I ended up falling asleep.


I sat up and looked around.

Wait, this isn’t my room. The room was dark with only one lit candle for light. I was on a large soft bed, which was most likely king-sized.

And the place smelled like roses, my room does not smell like roses!

Where the hell am I?

Suddenly the door opened and a slim girl around the age of 16, with dark blue hair, and eyes glided into the room, if she had darker hair and eyes, she could be a second Akira.

“I see you’re finally awake, Inuzuka Kiba-kun”

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