2 Nice 2 B Mean

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Chapter 15


"What can we help you with?" Natsumi glares at my calm face that shows no annoyance whatsoever.

"I want to sit here" she says stubbornly.

I smirk. "You want to sit at the A-list table even though you are not a-list?" I ask.

"What does it look like?!" she screams at me.

"Calm down, I have a headache" Eiko says from beside me.

"Sorry, no can do, Natsumi, a-list members only" I said.

"Then how come you’re here?" she asked smirking.

"Because I’m part of the A-list" I said in an obvious tone.

Now you’re probably wondering what’s going on well here it is, it’s currently lunch and Natsumi decided she wants to sit at our table like she used to, but she soon finds out she's not welcome, A-list members only.

"I’m sitting here anyway" she said stubbornly and sits at an empty chair by Kiba and Shikamaru who is too busy asleep to notice.

I sigh and get up slowly pushing my chair back and making an annoying creaking sound, catching everyone’s attention.

I walked over to her and pulled her out of the chair by her hair, "Ow, let go!" she says kicking, everyone's just watching, and by everyone I mean everyone, even the lunch ladies.

"Natsumi, I admit you’ve been through a lot, but you see, you’re not A-list" I said yanking her hair again. "Get up!" I said loudly, not quite yelling. I yank her hair again.

She gets up and tries to run to the door.

I yank again making her fall on her butt. "Get up!" I said. She stands up shakily, I kick the back of her knees making her fall on her knees, I then kick her back making her lay on her chest.

I twist her hair, "Eiko scissors" I said.

Natsumi's eyes widened, "NOOO!!!" she said wiggling.

"Fine keep moving, that’s your hair getting uneven" she froze immediately, she was on the verge of tears.

Eiko threw the scissors at me. "What the hell! Throwing scissors" I said picking up the scissors by me. “Now this is for almost giving me a concussion” I said silently for only us to hear. “I could shave you bald…”

“No! p-please don’t shave me bald” she was crying now.

“You know, you saying that is gonna tempt me to actually do it” I said shrugging.

Her eye widened; she wasn’t sobbing anymore, she was crying now.

“Geez, what is with, I’m not gonna shave you” I said holding up her hair. "Alrighty, what length" I ask myself. "Oh! I know!" I said and snipped at her hair.

I got up and she shot up running to the door but I grabbed her arm, she tried to make me let go crying waterfalls.

"Wow, she looks so pretty" some random person somewhere in the cafe said.

"What?" she asked quietly.

"Eiko ribbon" she handed me the ribbon, Eiko held her while I tied the ribbon. "There! All done, you can go cry now" I said and went back to the table, surprisingly she walked out the door instead of running while crying.

It was the least I could do, I must've ruined her life with KutiePY, but oh well.



I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, I looked....I didn’t even have a word for it. It looked so different.

I don’t know if it’s better or worse. I wiped my tears and headed to my next class, everybody was talking and whispering to themselves when I entered.

What’s going on??

I saw Kiba giving Akira a piggyback ride. I went over to them and they stopped.

"Um, I just wanna say.....uh...t-t-thanx, you know for the hair" I said looking down. I bowed a little so as not to make myself look stupid.

"To who?" Eiko asked.

Who else??

"Uhh, Akira" I said.

"No problem" Akira said from Kiba’s back.

"I’m not mean, you know" she said grinning.

I couldn’t help but smile. I remembered the promise I made to myself and said.

"Well, it was nice meeting you all" I say.

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked.


"I’m changing schools" I said.

Akira smirks and jumps off Kiba’s back.

She came up to me and did the most unexpected thing, she hugged me!

"Now I won’t say, I’ll miss you, but have fun! Okay, don’t cry too much, it'll make you look weak" she said.

I smile, "thanx for the advice" I said.

"That wasn’t advice, it was a fact" she said and jumped on Kiba’s back again.

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