A not so great Reunion

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Chapter 9


beep-beep, beep-beep bee--SLAM

"What the hell Eiko, you broke my phone!!" I yelled from the bathroom.

"Sorry, but it was annoying" she said quietly, I sighed and walked out of the bathroom.

"That’s the point, it’s so you don’t sleep through it" I said towel drying my black hair.

She groaned and stood up, going to the bathroom to take a shower.

I quickly got dressed and grabbed my bag; I emptied the notebooks and loose paper that I used from military school out and put new fresh ones in, but not much though.

Eiko came out of the shower dressed, her brown hair wrapped in a white towel. She towel dried her hair and brushed it putting it in her signature low pigtails.

"Oh yea Eiko, my mom wants you to do a driver test so you can get your license, k?" I said/asked, she nodded and grabbed her bag after I cleaned it out of all the unnecessary junk. I pressed the red button on the intercom and said, "Jeff, could you please take me to school now?" Eiko looked at me wonder where Jeff was then spotted the intercom and her jaw dropped.

"Sure, Akira-sama" he said and we snuck out of the room and into the garage where Jeff was standing by the limo and opened the door for us.

Eiko entered first then me. The other garage opened and I guessed that was Sasuke’s limo, with his driver, James, taking him to school. The other garage door closed and ours opened.

"Who just left?" Eiko asked from beside me.

"Sasuke" I said.

"No way he has a limo too? Or is he driving?" she asked.

I just shrugged, “dono” I said

"Oh" she said.



Today's probably gonna be boring since well it’s the first day of school. Maybe I should just skip since we're not gonna be doing anything. Just then a girl with deep black hair next to a girl with brown hair walked right by me, the black haired girl seemed oddly familiar, I wonder why. The girl stopped and turned around.

"Kibbles?" she said. Wait only one person calls me that, well except naruto when he’s being annoying. I turned around. "I knew it was you!" she said grinning.

Then I remembered, "Akira, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Uh I live here now, in konoha I mean" she said. She’s finally here to stay, but why now? Right when I gave up, and as if on cue Natsumi, my girlfriend since about 2 days ago clings to my arm, glaring at Akira, who just stares blankly at her.

"Who’s she?" Natsumi said not taking her eyes off her.

"You know I’m right here, you could just ask me" Akira said calmly, the other girl looked nervously between Akira and Natsumi, and then turned to me.

"Hi" she said nervously.

"Hey, who are you?" I asked.

"Oh! I’m Eiko nice to meet you" she said holding out her hand, I grabbed it and we shook hands, then Natsumi started glaring at Eiko, who sighed.

"Jeez, you act like he’s not allowed to talk to anyone" she said turning to Akira. "Um you know we're gonna be late for class if we don’t hurry" she said pulling Akira down the hall, "I’ll see you later Kibbles" she said as she turned a corner. "Explain! Now! Who is she, you better not be cheating on me!" Natsumi said, I sighed. "She’s just a friend" I said and walked to class deep in thought. Could they have been fighting over me? I know Natsumi was but was Akira??

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