Suzuki Kyoko

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Chapter 37


I ran my hand through my Green mid-length wig, making sure it didn’t come off, well how could it, it’s practically sewed to my head, well not really; it’s just clipped on.

I sighed and looked at my reflection in a floor length mirror, I took a deep breath and walked out of my room, making sure I didn’t forget anything.

I was already late so I quickly grabbed a piece of toast, and ran out the door.

I didn’t feel like driving and making a big scene so I got on my skateboard.

When I reached my destination, I got off my skateboard while people turned to look at something, I knew it wasn’t me, so I just kept walking, I reached the front, and grabbed my things and went off, to find something, more like someone.

Now I know you’re probably wondering where I am, well here’s the answer, I am currently in Sunagakure All Girls Academy. This isn’t a boarding school so there are no dorms.

The only reason I’m here is to look for Sora.



“Rose, I can’t find Akira, do you know where she might be?” I heard Eiko ask, I quickly finish putting up the dishes, and I was washing and turned to her.

“She’s gone?” I ask. She nodded franticly.

I sighed, “I’m not completely sure where she could be but, have you tried calling her?” I asked walking to the living room where everyone, except Kiba and Temari, was.

“Yeah, but she didn’t pick up” She answered and I nodded.

“Well then, let’s try again” I said pulling out my iPhone.

“You have an iPhone?!” Eiko asks; her eyes wide.

“Yeah, why is that so hard to believe?” I asked and dialed Akira’s cell.

She picked up on the third ring, “lo-ha, this is Akira speaking” said Akira, while Eiko huffed in annoyance, or maybe jealousy.

“Where are you?!” I asked right away, she sighed,

“In Suna, why?” she asked,

“No reason, maybe because we’re worried about you!” I said, it was quiet on the other end.

“Sumimasen (I’m sorry)” she said quietly,

“no problem, why did you leave?” I asked, I could tell she was uncomfortable.

“Uh, no main reason?” it sounded more like a question.

“I wanna know” I said simply.

“Fine, it was because of Kiba, and I needed to see someone” she said sounding a little sad.

“Lemme guess, Sora?” I said, she laughed a little,

“Yeah, look I gotta go” she said, I smiled a little,

“Okay” I said about to hang up,

“Wait, Rose? Could you please not tell anyone where I am, I don’t wanna leave yet” she said quietly,

“Sure” I said, and we hung up.

“Why doesn’t she wanna leave yet, and who’s Sora?” asked Eiko immediately after I hung up.

I sighed, “I don’t know why she doesn’t wanna come home yet, but I’m sure she has a good reason, and Sora was, and still is Akira best friend” I explained.

“She’s known Sora since they were practically in diapers” I smiled;

“They’re like twins from different families” they looked at me, well all except for Shikamaru, he was asleep.

“She was Akira’s only non-Uchiha friend” I continued.

“You remember her, right Sasuke?” I looked at the raven haired teen across from me.

“I never really knew any of her friends” he murmured. I nodded in understanding.

“Ne ne, did Akira have the same past as Sasuke?” Eiko asked, I froze, the very thing I was trying to avoid.



I stood at the front of the room, not exactly nervous.

“Class, this is our new student, Suzuki Kyoko” I smiled and bowed a little,

“Yoroshiku (nice to meet you)”

The teacher told me where my seat was and I went there, calmly and quietly.

I noticed at the corner of the room, an all too familiar patch of about shoulder length red hair in a ponytail.

I smirked at her raised eyebrow.

I winked and she smirked.

~At Lunch~

“Akira, what are you doing here?” Sora asked as we entered the cafeteria snack line.

“Shhh, can’t you see I’m in disguise?” I whispered grinning.

“You call that a disguise? I could clearly tell it’s you”

I rolled my eyes, “yea well, they can’t tell, so you don’t tell them” I said and ordered my mini lunch for the day.

“I wasn’t going to anyway, and why didn’t you just come as Akira?” she ordered her lunch too and we went to our old, usual table. I’m surprised she remembered.

“Too many people know me here, and I don’t wanna make a scene” I said, opening my bag of hot fries and stabbing my cherry flavored slushy with my straw.

“So are you, like, here to stay?” she asks stabbing her blueberry flavored slushy also.

“Prolly not, maybe a week before Rose comes to get me” I say and popped a fry in my mouth.

“Oh” she looks down sadly, “well at least I have you for a week right?” she grins, suddenly over her sadness.

“What’re you up to?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“Nothing much” she says, throws her trash away, and walked out the café.

I grabbed my unfinished food and followed her out the double doors.


Author's Note::

"Due to certain unforseen circumstances, I have decided to remake Konoha High School. Quizilla went through one of its retarded moments and I lost more than half of my stories so I was unable to update KHS. In that time I decided that i would remake it so this would not happen again, and that if it does I will be prepared. I will not delete the original KHS and will continue to update. If anyone would like anything specific transferred over to the new KHS please tell me and I will be more than happy to. :)

Thnkyu all soo much for reading, I really appreciate it."


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