Face the Facts

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Chapter 35


Kiba has been acting really weird lately, He never sleeps over anymore, and he hasn’t been giving me my daily kisses like he used to, plus he looks different, like more serious, and not fun-loving like the usual Kiba, so I decided to talk to Eiko to see if she knows what might be going on.

“He is soo cheating on you” She said knowingly, and straight forward.

“But, he can’t be cheating on me, right?” I asked unsure, I looked down sadly.

“You never know, and besides it seems like he’s been avoiding you lately” she said stating the obvious that I’ve too stubborn to accept.

“That can’t be it though! Maybe one of his ex’s are trying to get back at me or something” I said defending Kiba, she sighed

“Face the facts, Akira, He’s cheating on you” She said and walked out the room leaving me by myself to think about the sudden turn of events.

I sighed and got up, walking out of the room also, I put by long raven hair into a ponytail and went to my room and changed into ¾ dark blue sweatpants, and matching tank top with jacket. I grabbed my cell and jogged down the stairs, I slipped out the door quietly and got in my back-up convertible, no one knows I have.

I reverse out of the driveway and headed for the one place Kiba would most likely be.

I walked quietly through the park searching for Kiba.

I searched everywhere, from the large fountain right in the middle to all around it and then some.

I sighed and was about to head back when I heard a deep voice that sounded a lot like Kiba.

I walked quietly toward the voice and hid behind a tree, I had no idea why I was hiding but whatever.

And that’s when I saw it, Kiba’s lips connecting with another girl’s.

All I could do was stare at the scene in front of me; I wasn’t even acting all cool and collected like I normally was.

I felt something wet slide down my face as I realized I was crying.

Wow, I haven’t done that in a while.

I slid down to the ground, covering my face with my hands, and pulling my knees up to my chest, while I sobbed quietly, I never thought it would hurt so much, being cheated on, I mean.

I sighed and wiped my tears, getting up from my position on the dirty ground, wiping myself off in the process, and walked away slowly, not even bothering to take my car back.

I’ll tell Rose to take it later.


I opened the door to the mansion, only to find Eiko and Sasuke sucking face on the couch, I growled softly and raced up the stairs before I lost control, getting their attention.

I slammed my door and locked it.

I punched my wall a few times before breaking out in tears.

I soon fell asleep crying, which is a once in a life time thing for me, what I mean is, the last time it happened was when I was six.

End of story.

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