Plot Revealed and then some

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Chapter 30


I’ve made my choice.


What a waste of time.

But this will definitely be worth it!

I hope.

I sighed once again before making sure my voice was perfect.


I pushed the buzzer thingy and waited until I heard a low, “Hello”

I cleared my throat before quietly

“Girl scout cookies!” I said in an annoying whiney girly voice.

It was quiet for a long time before I saw Kiba, looking at me through the gate

“K-Kiba-kun, what’re you doing here?” I stuttered, and he raised an eyebrow.

“I could ask the same” he said, “Two of my friends live here”

I blinked, but smiled.

“Are you sure that’s not three?” I asked winking; he looked confused, “nevermind” I smirked, still doesn’t get it, and with all the clues.

Geez, he’s slow.

The gate opened slowly and Kiba grabbed my arm, leading me inside the huge mansion, even bigger than his.

“this is where you live” he said as the huge double doors opened, about 6 people stood, behind the door as I opened, their eyes widen simultaneously when they see me.


Let’s play round a bit.

I gasped dramatically, making them look at me weirdly, but I was there, I was running all around the house touching things that I missed.


I missed my house so much.

All of their mouths were hanging open when I was finished; I slumped on the couch and cuddled a pillow.

Not being here for half a year, makes me really appreciate this house.

I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment.

“Kira-chan?” I heard Kiba say.

“Hai?” I looked up sitting up in the process, and in that move my lips met Kiba’s, my eyes widened in shock for a minute, before closing my eyes, and kissing back.

I let go of the pillow and tangled my hands in his brown hair.

“Geez, get a room” Eiko said rolling her eyes.

We pulled away, and I took a deep breath and unintentionally bit my lip, but not enough to make it bleed.

“Follow me” Kiba said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the double doors, leading outside, turned a few probably random corners, before finally turning to me.

“When did it wear off?” he asked holding me by my shoulders.

“Explain further please” I said.

Could he have found out?

“When did the amnesia wear off?” he asked again.

He did find out.

“Yesterday, when you dropped me on my ass” I said looking down

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked looking at me

“I want to see how long it would take you to figure it out” I said smirking, Instead of replying he decided he was going to kiss me, again. I pushed him away

“What is with you?” I asked; we were now about a foot apart.

“I guess I should tell you now” he said looking around to see if anyone was spying on us.

“Tell me what?!” I asked.

Could it be?

He looked nervous; he said something inaudible to me,

“I didn’t hear you” I said moving closer.

“I really like you!” he said blushing madly.

After that I don’t know what happened, all I saw was black, again.

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