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Chapter 7

I opened my eyes and the bright sun hit my face; I closed my eyes immediately and sat up daring to open my eyes again. I opened them again, the sun still bright as hell, I scanned the room and saw the girls were still asleep; I searched the room for the time finding it on a sleeping beauty wall clock.

Ha! She wishes she was sleeping beauty!

I stared at the time, 10:34, oh no I only have about an hour and a half, I got up, stretched and went downstairs to make breakfast, it’s the least I could do. Hmm what to make, oh I know, I’ll make ramen for naruto, a big one too, eggs, pancakes, bacon, juice and coffee for those mature people.

I looked in the fridge and found what I was looking for; I was surprised to find everything I needed, even ramen, although that was in the pantry, but whatever.

I fried the bacon and eggs at the same time then moved on to the pancakes all while the coffee was brewing, I sighed and started on the ramen, when I was done I put all the eggs bacon and pancakes in huge dishes, separately, and put the ramen in a huge bowl, I took some and quickly ate, I covered them so they wouldn’t get cold and left a note since it was too late to stay till they wake up.

I called Jeff after taking my witch costume; quickly getting in and left with Jeff back to the military school staring at Sakura’s pale pink house till we rounded a corner, this is the first time I ever want to stay in sakura’s house and will probably be the last for all I know. I sighed one last time and looked ahead to the dreadful military school.



I tossed and fell off the couch flat on my face, I groaned and sat up, suddenly I smelt something like bacon and something else.

I went downstairs and to the kitchen, I froze spotting covered dishes and a bowl, in front of them was a note, on the front it said, 'to everyone'

I franticly began looking for the time and spotted a plain black rimmed wall clock right in front of me, 12:31.

Oh that’s not so bad....wait 12:31!?!?!


"Okay it settled then, but, I have to leave at noon tomorrow” she said and got up.

"Fine with me" I said.

~End Flashback~

Don’t tell me she already left!

I ran up the stairs making a lot of noise on the way I might add so by the time I got there everyone had already woken up.

"OMG AKIRA’S GONE!" I heard coming from the sakura’s room. She is gone, without saying goodbye.

"What’s that smell?" I heard naruto ask just as he barged out of the room and down the stairs almost knocking me over.

"HEY GUYS THERES A NOTE HERE, AND FOOD!!!" naruto said from downstairs, everyone darted downstairs and I followed, when I got there they were surrounding naruto who had the note, Sasuke snatched the note out of his hand and started reading:

"Dear everyone,

I had lots of fun last night just so you know, I made breakfast, Ramen is for naruto, I had to leave since it was too late, and I couldn’t stay any longer, I didn’t want to deprive anyone of their sleep so I decided to leave you all a note so you at least wouldn’t think I left without saying goodbye, I’m not heartless you know. Just so you know I’m gonna miss you all very very (infinity) much, have fun without me, I sure won’t, and yes I’m gonna miss Sakura and Ino too, and no I’m won’t set up a date with you and Sasuke, I may be evil but not that evil, oh and if Sasuke is reading this (which he probably is) they asked me last night. Anyway! What was I talking about?? Oh well, umm good luck on the rest of the school year, I’m not sure when I’ll be back for those of you that are wondering. I-heart-you guys I hope you know that, anyway have a very merry Saturday, I’ll miss you guys, bye T-T

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