Pool Party!! ;)

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Chapter 12


Throughout the whole day, in all my classes there was always something about KutiePY or Natsumi, there were even some about how people felt bad for Kiba. Poor kibbles. But I had to do it. I saw Kiba walking to class, he looked ashamed. I walked up to him.

"Hey, I got the text from KutiePY too" I said and he turned around, he looked at me, and stayed quiet. "That was a little extreme though" I said looking at his eyes that were staring straight at me.

"KIBA!!" I heard and turned and saw Natsumi a few feet away panting slightly. "Kiba I swear I was forced to!" she said. Yea right!

"??" he stayed silent.

"Well it sure seemed like you liked it" I said from behind Kiba. "Who asked you?! Ugh please Kiba you have to believe me!" she said desperately, he sighed make it seem like he was going to forgive her.

"I forgive you--" he starts, she runs up to hug him, but he grabs her shoulders stopping her from getting any closer. "--but we're done" he finishes.

"No..." she says quietly. "NO! You can’t do this to me! Not after all we've been through together!" she says tears running down her face.

"Geez girl, why you crying you’re the one who cheated on him" I said walking around them. I place a hand on Kiba’s shoulder.

"I’ll be leaving now, call me if you need anything" I said and kissed his cheek, he blushed. I laughed at Natsumi’s pissed off face. Kiba let go of her and she fell on her knees crying her eyes out.

Then u saw the guy in the video walking down the hall with two girls strapped to him.

"Renji..." Natsumi said quietly to the guy.

"Do you know her Renji-kun?" one the girls hanging on him asks.

"Who?" he asks, they point to Natsumi. "Ha-ha, that little slut? Everyone knows her" he said laughing and walked off with the girls laughing with him.

Just then some girls walked by, laughing and pointing at Natsumi.

“OMG can you believe her, what a slut”

“Hey guys, Omg, look at me, I'm such a mess”

“Is she talking to us?” one of them asked the others.

“Eww” said another.

“Sorry but we talk to sluts” said the third as they laughed and walked away.

Natsumi just sat there horrified, eyes red, mascara running.

Alright maybe I feel a little guilty, I’ll admit that much.


We, as in me and Akira, arrived at the Uchiha mansion, in which I’m supposed to call my home, to find Sasuke sitting on a couch, I managed to sneak upstairs, but Akira was not that lucky, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"You’re KutiePY aren’t you?" Sasuke asked making Akiras eyes grow wide but quickly shrink back to normal. She is?!

"Akira you can’t fool me, I know your Blackberry’s number" he said. She has another phone??

“I didn’t, I don’t have my blackberry anymore, remember” she said calmly. “But I did have something to do with it” she said later

"Why’d you do it?" he asked with a sigh

“You act like I actually sent it” she said crossing her arms over her chest. Finally she sighs, "...nothing was normal" she said quietly.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

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